Start Kind Conversations

Spark reflection with creative printables and activities.

Studies show that conversation is an undervalued but hugely critical tool parents can use to nurture compassion.

Empathy is a skill, not a personality trait. At every age, we can get better at understanding and connecting with those around us. It starts by simply asking, what is it like to be them?
— Sarah Aadland, Doing Good Together

Projects, Printables, and Activities

Explore a big-idea together with DGT’s unique reflection sheets.

Browse popular blog articles about reflection.

Brose big-hearted book lists.

Our Big-Hearted Families™ kindness activities are some of the many free resources available on this site, but as with any mission-based programming, we rely on donations, large and small, to continue these offerings. If you agree there's value in the information and inspiration we offer, kindly consider offering a tax-deductible donation of $25, or any amount that fits your budget. Thank you!