Book List on Disabilities: Normalizing Differences

Books can help children become more empathetic to those who may be different from them and answer questions they may have about those with disabilities. Differently abled children may find themselves represented in this evolving book list. These books, which emphasize abilities, inspire great conversations around accessibility and social justice.

Homeschool Playbook

These eight activities are an excellent compilation of classic DGT tools for Homeschool families. For homeschoolers who are looking for a way to start giving back, this is a great place to start.

New Blogs and Printables

We have a new blogger working with the Doing Good Together team this year! We have also added some new printables throughout our website for families to enjoy and to continue to work on building empathy and kindness.


Our Membership Circle continues to grow! This year, we added another year of lessons for our Classroom members to grow into and learn more about kindness and ways to engage in service-learning in the world. 

New Staff Members

A big welcome to our three new staff members, Julie, Nancy, and Jessica! We are excited to have them on board as a part of the Doing Good Together team!

Festival of Giving

DGT’s Festival of Giving was virtual for the third year in October. Families enjoyed a repeat visit from Dan Saks, completed hands-on projects, enjoyed live music and movement, and downloaded an exclusive activity guide – all free, thanks to our generous sponsors.

DGT’s Partnerships in 2021-22

Update on Miami-Dade Partnership

Thanks to the Al and Jane Nahmad Foundation, we received funding to partner with 13 Miami-Dade schools in the 2022-2023 school year. For the 2022 school year, we partnered with three schools for Family Service Fairs. The graphic shows the projects, nonprofits, and outstanding volunteer work our partner families engaged in this year. These Fairs will continue into the 2023 school year!


Letter from DGT’s New Executive Director, MiaLisa Millares

Dear Friends, Champions, and Supporters,

This past year, 2022, has been a year of reconnection for Doing Good Together™ (DGT™). We have returned to doing our Family Service Fairs™ in person and have co-created much joy with communities, faith groups, and schools!

Thanks to our incredibly generous supporters, we continue to provide innovations, respond to family needs, create new projects, curate family volunteer opportunities, and reach out to the community through new platforms. 

Our organization continues to produce high-quality content that families need while providing the tools to connect with service opportunities and learning. While connecting with the community in person, we continued to increase our digital offerings by expanding our DGT Classroom to a second year of lessons. We also created our third annual all-virtual Festival of Giving and offered virtual Zoom webinars. Our reach is substantial in connecting with families across the United States and abroad with our messages of hope, kindness, love, sharing, and the common good.

This year, we said goodbye to some loved staff members as they moved on to new adventures, and we welcomed three new talented additions to our staff. Our new Miami Family Service Fair Coordinator; a Senior Editor; and a new Marketing, Communications, and Sales Director all bring new energy and talents to the excellent work we do at Doing Good Together. 

We also recruited and trained new board members that bring a diversity of experience to our team. Our steadfast and supportive Board of Directors provided thoughtful guidance and support throughout the year. Our incredible volunteers and kind community partners continued to blossom. And our generous and loyal donors continued their steadfast support enabling our reach to go farther than ever. 

Our new strategic plan focuses on being out and about with the community, providing opportunities for connection and service. With a focus on Family Service Fairs, we made substantial progress and achieved many ambitious goals, including creating new resources, growing our membership, and deepening collaborations.

As you read about our latest resources and creative partnerships, we hope you continue to feel inspired by our enduring vision: to build a world where sharing kindness and helping others is a routine part of every family’s daily life. 

Thank you for believing in the common good, spreading kindness, championing our cause, and providing your support. 

Together, we make the world a better place.

With gratitude,

MiaLisa Millares


2021-22 Volunteers

Diane Hopkins

Natalie Silverstein

Maryann Reynolds

Ann Knutilla

Jenny Friedman

Michael Henley


2021-22 Board Members

Becky Nahvi - Chair

Linsa Jabeen - Vice Chair

Ashley Brizzo - Vice Chair

Susan Humiston - Secretary

Roy Ginsburg - Treasurer

Jennifer Bartels

Julie Rogers Bascom

Tara Flynn Zeilman

Jennifer Hampton

Tracy Harris

Cara Johnson-Bader

Isa Loundon Flaherty


2021-22 Staff

Leah Lundquist

Laurie Levi

Jessica Neary

Julie Prokosch

Sarah Wilson

MiaLisa Millares - Executive Director

Sarah Aadland

Diana Allard

Breanny Andrade

Carly Deitsch

Nancy Julmiste

DGT™ Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2021-22