Print & Share Thank You Notes
Share your gratitude with these fun, printable thank you notes.

Play Games with Feelings Flashcards
Boost emotional intelligence, the foundation of empathy, with 9 pages of DGT’s flashcards. Plus we offer creative game suggestions.

Share Your Message of Support On Social Media
“Seniors and those with underlying health conditions are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 – and we must all do our part to protect them at this time. While nothing replaces in-person visits with family members and friends, residents and staff would benefit greatly from knowing individuals from around the country were thinking about them and offering their support.”

Check on Neighbors
We’re hearing wonderful stories of neighbors offering to share their abundance with others who are struggling in their own community.

Thank Delivery Providers
Use our new, pandemic-specific printable to greet delivery providers with gratitude.

Share Art Through the Mail
Write pandemic-themed Haiku or other poetry, draw, paint, color, fold origami, or explore other creative passions. Then share your creations, along with an uplifting note, with folks in need of support.

Create Awards
Celebrate the everyday heroes in your community, from grocery store clerks to medical staff to your mail carrier.

Create a Kindness Display
Strengthen empathy muscles by celebrating everyday acts of kindness. This book-based project featuring a fun, free printable will get you started.

Chalk Your Walk
Leave uplifting sidewalk chalk messages like “We’re all in this together,” “This too shall pass,” and “Bloom where you are planted.”

Set Up a Magic Mail Station
Set out card-making supplies and our printable. Then invite kids to create cards whenever the mood strikes. Share your creations with seniors in isolated nursing homes, essential employees on the front lines of fighting this virus, or anyone you know in need of extra support.

Send Drawings to Color-a-Smile
They’ll send it on to seniors, soldiers overseas, and anyone in need of a smile.

Share Your Art!
Mail pandemic-themed Haiku or other poetry, draw, paint, color, fold origami, or explore other creative passions. Then share your creations, along with an uplifting note, with folks in need of support.

Reach Out to Seniors with Letters of Love
The mission of Letters of Love is to bring the joy of thoughtful letters and cards into the lives of the elderly in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospices, and senior centers around the world.

The DGT Newsletter: Finding Purpose in the Time of COVID-19
Discover a wealth of additional resources and tips for your family during this pandemic.

Make Friendship Bracelets
Mail or deliver colorful bracelets to cheer up friends and family members.

Share an Origami Heart
Share love from a distance with this simple origami printable (and a video to make the origami heart easier!).

Sign Up for DGT's Volunteer Listings
We do the research and compile free monthly listings of creative family-friendly volunteer projects in several major U.S. cities. Each month, we offer at least five opportunities. Be sure to subscribe to this free service to add these volunteer opportunities to your email inbox!

Set Up a Little Free Pantry
Share extra groceries with neighbors and workers in your area. One big-hearted family we work with has been sharing staples in their driveway. Some neighbors are pitching in too! And at the end of every day, the table is nearly empty, as folks took what they needed.

Support Citizen Science
Your family can help scientists track the spread of COVID, monitor changes in weather, and identify drinking water quality all from your home. Visit our project page for details!

Go On a Nature Scavenger Hunt
When children learn to appreciate and enjoy nature, they are more likely to grow into adults who value and protect our environment. Get the printable here!

Clean up Your Neighborhood
Grab plastic bags and garden gloves and clear up the refuse around your neighborhood.

Help with Yard Care
Help out homebound neighbors. Offer to mow, water plants, or tend to other outdoor chores as needed.

Foster Pets
It’s puppy and kitten season, and though many shelters are closed to the public, many are still looking for foster families.

Visit Munchkin Fun!
Our friends at Munchkin Fun have gathered even more cute ideas to volunteer and get creative while staying home together.

Decorate a Giving Jar
Help your child participate in your family’s charitable giving. Organizations you may want to support include Family-to-Family, No Kid Hungry, UNICEF, or your local food bank.

Raise Funds with DGT's Hunger Calendar
Each day (for 30 days) count something different in your home with this simple printable. Place that many coins in a bowl or jar to donate to a hunger-relief charity.

Host a Food and Funds Drive
Set up a drop off station in your driveway or other public space. Inform friends and neighbors of your drive. Be sure to remind folks to keep their distance as they bring over their donations. Then drop off your collection at the food shelf and thank everyone for participating!

Assemble Hygiene Kits
Give essentials to those in need. Church World Service (CWS) collects School Kits, Hygiene Kits, Baby Care Kits and Emergency Clean-up Buckets for worldwide distribution.

Assemble Creativity Kits
Donate art supplies and activity kits to a local food pantry or shelter to help support kids with extra time at home.

Teach the Power of Speaking Up
Reach out to your elected leaders - especially local leaders - and let them know you expect them to support people who are experiencing homelessness or food insecurity at this time.

Try DGT's Advocacy Templates
We’re now offering our printable advocacy templates for environmental justice, helping the hungry, and more for free!

Read & Discuss: Not Forever, But For Now by Heather Malley
This simple book may help young readers (pre-k) understand and express their emotions about pandemic-related changes in their lives.

Create an Informative Newsletter
Research an issue your family is passionate about. Then create a newsletter to raise awareness about your cause.

Try Our New Earth Advocacy Project
Our new printable is designed to help your family urge elected officials to consider sustainability even as they work to meet the challenges of this current crisis.

Sign Petitions Together
Do your part to correct injustices and support people struggling through the crisis.

Encourage Young Helpers
Use this At-Home Helper Map to inspire your child to pitch in at home. This popular DGT Newsletter demonstrates the power of chores to empower compassionate kids.

Keep a Journal
Record the highs and lows of your experience during this historic moment. You may also want to write a reflection question in your journal each day and invite each family member to record a response. Click here for more family journaling ideas.

Play Free Rice
This online quiz game from the World Food Program. Players match words with their meanings to earn donations of rice for those in need, now featuring a cornoavirus category.