6 (Almost) No Prep Kindness Quests

Print & post this cheat sheet for easy, everyday acts of compassion.

With this useful tool, you'll be ready for a compassionate project whenever the mood strikes (or time allows).



  1. Print this simple list.

  2. Take 5 minutes to fill in the appropriate addresses.

  3. Post it onto your refrigerator or cork board.

These 3 little steps will forever make it easier to practice kindness with your family. Whenever you are feeling disconnected and need a meaningful, simple way to do good together, revisit your list and get going. Whenever your children bring up challenging social issues that sadden or frighten them, turn that conversation into an empowering act.

Because it is good for your family, our community, and everyone’s future, rejuvenate - or begin - your family's kindness practice today. Browse the volunteer projects and kindness lessons from Doing Good Together's Big-Hearted Families™ Program for more ideas and related discussion questions.

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Build your whole family's empathy "muscles" with our conversation starters!