Nothing inspires wonder, cultivates mindfulness, and relieves stress as effectively and enjoyably as time spent in nature. Inspire the wilderness enthusiast in your child with this growing list of stories.
26 Best Animal Picture Books: Must-Read Children's Books for Animal Lovers
21 Chapter Books to Inspire Young Environmental Advocates
Inspire tweens and teens to try green acts of kindness.
This collection is full of practical tools for young environmental advocates. Featuring both fiction and nonfiction titles, your family is sure to find inspiration for environmental action.
Featured Title
One Earth: People of Color Protecting Our Planet by Anuradha Rao
All readers will be inspired by this extraordinary new collection of stories featuring black, indigenous, and people of color who live and work as environmental defenders.
Ages 12 and up.
Additional DGT Favorites
The New 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth by the EarthWorks Group
Recycle at home, at school, and in your community. This book will tell you how.
Arlene the Rebel Queen by Carol Liu
Arlene and her friends face opposition when she attempts to minimize her school’s carbon footprint. How can she make them see that changes can be for the better?
Basher Science: Climate Change by Simon Basher
Using fun illustrations, this resource from Basher Science is brimming with answers to a wide range of issues related to climate change, from greenhouse gases to weather systems, renewable energy to human action (and inaction).
Dr. Art’s Guide to Planet Earth: For Earthlings Ages 12 to 120 by Art Sussman, Ph.D.
A systems approach to how the earth works that is compelling, well-organized and understandable. There are also recommendations for what young people can do to help save the planet.
Down To Earth Guide To Global Warming by Laurie David and Cambria Gordon
An introduction to global warming for kids, this book provides suggestions on how kids can help combat the problem.
Flush by Carl Hiaasen
The second book in Hiaasen’s series of environmental novels and the follow-up to Hoot, Flush is the story of two children who work together to expose the illegal dumping of raw sewage from a casino ship.
Generation Green: The Ultimate Teen Guide to Living an Eco-Friendly Life by Linda Sivertsen
Generation Green offers dozens of tips on how teens can do their part to help save the earth.
The Green Teen: The Eco-Friendly Teen’s Guide to Saving the Planet by Jenn Savedge
Get teenagers interested in living green(er) by promoting this book which is filled with ideas and stories to inspire them.
Green Careers: Choosing Work for a Sustainable Future by Jim Cassio and Alice Rush (New Society Publishers, 2009). Ever wondered about having a green job? This book will tell you about the skills, education, and expertise you’ll need, as well as what jobs are available to someone that is looking for an environmentally friendly career.
Heroes of the Environment: True Stories of People Who Are Helping to Protect Our Planet by Harriet Rohmer
Bring the complicated challenges facing our planet down to the personal level with this collection of true stories of 12 people from across North America who have stepped up to make a difference.
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
The award-winning story of 13-year-old Brian Robeson’s struggle to survive after a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness. A classic.
Hoot by Carl Hiassen
An ecological mystery for the middle school set in which Roy, a new kid at school, sets out to save some burrowing owls from developers.
How Monkeys Make Chocolate: Foods and Medicines from the Rainforest by Adrian Forsyth
Get lots of information about the plants, animals, and people of the rainforest and their intricate web of interdependence.
An Inconvenient Truth: The Crisis of Global Warming by Al Gore
A version of the best-selling book for younger readers, An Inconvenient Truth explains how our planet is being threatened by rising carbon dioxide levels and what we can do about climate change.
It’s Getting Hot in Here by Bridget Heos
With an eye to past, present, and future generations, Heos explains climate change to teenagers and emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action.
Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George
A young Eskimo girl gets lost in the Alaska tundra after running away to find her San Francisco pen pal and is taken in by a pack of Arctic wolves. This Newberry Medal winner is a tale of survival and much more.
This exciting novel draws readers into a world where animals are slowly fading into extinction, 12-year-old Kester Jaynes feels as if he hardly exists either. He’s been locked away in a home for troubled children and is unable to speak a word. Then one night, a flock of talking pigeons and a bossy cockroach come to help him escape, and he discovers that he can speak — to them. And the animals need him. Only Kester, with the aid of a stubborn, curious girl named Polly, can help them survive. The animals saved Kester. But can he save them?
True Green Kids: 100 Things You Can Do To Save The Planet by Kim McKay
Published by National Geographic, this guide to conservation and environmental change lists several easy things kids can do at home, school, and in the community to help save the planet.
Waste Disposal (Earth SOS) by Sally Morgan
Find out where waste (nuclear, dirty water, garbage, toxic) goes and how it affects the environment. Also learn about recycling metals, glass and paper, and discover what kids can do to help deal with waste.
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
Young readers will love this gripping story about a boy from Scotland and a girl from West Africa who join together to save a migrating Osprey share wonderful adventures along the way.
Talk about the issue.
Engage your children in problem solving: What good things are we already doing in our day to help the earth? What simple changes can our family make to take even better care of our planet?
Ask questions that prompt conversations about environmental ethics: "Why should we walk instead of drive to the park?"
Acknowledge tough choices ("It's hard to know how far to turn down the thermostat in the winter."), and make a point to discuss your environmental values.
Explain that simple decisions can have an impact, like coloring on both sides of the page, turning off the water when you brush your teeth, or turning out lights when you leave a room.

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Or check out these projects to heal the earth.
Disclaimer: Doing Good Together™ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.
Chapter Books for Animal Lovers
Picture Books for a Community Scientist
Inspire curiosity, global connection, and your next act of community science
New technologies have fueled a global push for citizen or community science, connecting curious individuals with researchers looking to gather and analyze vast quantities of new data. Now your family can spend meaningful time together supporting this research!
Before you check out our project instructions and Become Community Scientists, explore this fantastic collection of science-centric books to spark wonder.
Doing Good Together is transitioning to the more inclusive term “community science” rather than citizen science, simply because citzenship is not a prerequisite for participating and can be frighting to some science lovers.
Conversation Starters
What is community or citizen science?
Why do you think it might be a good idea to encourage everyday citizens to participate in science?
What could be a challenge or problem with having the public contribute to scientific research?
How do you think it might feel to participate in a global scientific endeavor?
What research would you do if you could?
What did you learn in this book? What surprised you?
What new questions do you have or what are you curious about as a result of reading this book?
Featured DGT Favorite
Moonlight Crab Count by Dr. Neeta Bathala and Jennifer Keats Curtis
Join Leena, her mother, and her dog Bobie on a journey to count horseshoe crabs. Discover the simple truth that knowledge is a treasure we all should hunt for, kids and families as well as scientists!
Actual Size by Steve Jenkens
This wonderfully-illustrated book brings the wild world into vivid perspective.
Animalium: Welcome to the Museum by Jenny Broom
Take a trip to the world's most accessible natural museum and spend hours learning about the natural world with this incredible book.
A Passion for Elephants: The Real Life Adventure of Field Scientist Cynthia Moss by Toni Buzzeo
Set the stage for your own observations of nature with this excellent biography.
Bat Count: A Citizen Science Story by Anna Forrester
Spend exciting summer evenings with Jojo and her family, counting bats to help scientists studying white-nose syndrome.
Big Questions from Little People: And Simple Answers from Great Minds by Gemma Elwin Harris
Scientists, philosophers, and specialists weigh in on the weighty, perplexing questions curious grade-school kids are famous for.
Citizen Science: Be a Part of Scientific Discovery from Your Own Backyard by Loree Griffin Burns
Get started with simple, flagship community science projects through Audubon, FrogWatch USA, and more.
Follow the Moon Home: A Tale of One Idea, Twenty Kids, and A Hundred Sea Turtles by Phillipe Cousteau
Discover the incredible difference curious kids can make in the world. A little courage and perseverance and make big-hearted kids unstoppable!
If: A Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers by David Smith
Grapple with big, hard-to-imagine ideas by scaling them down with clever metaphors brought to you by the same author who created If the World Were a Village.
Monarch Butterflies: Explore the Life Journey of One of the Winged Wonders of the World by Ann Hobie
This beautiful introduction to all things monarch is sure to inspire your family to take action. It gently illustrates how human behavior has harmed monarchs and then offers substantive ways kids can help make a positive difference. Also check out Monarch Joint Venture’s collection of community science projects.
Professor Astro Cat's Frontiers of Space by Dominic Walliman
Enjoy lessons on the cosmos from the world's smartest cat!
Ruby’s Birds by Mya Thompson
Join Ruby in discovering the fun of birdwatching, a pastime you can pursue whatever you are! Learn Ruby’s tips for taking nature walks, find out how to spot birds in your neck of the woods, and connect with Celebrate Urban Birds, a community-science project at the Cornell Lab.
Outdoor Science Lab for Kids: 52 Family-Friendly Experiments for the Yard, Garden, Playground, and Park by Liz Lee Heinecke
Part of the incredible Lab Series, this edition will inspire your whole family to bring science to your time outside.
What Do You Do With an Idea? by Kobi Yamada
This beautiful book is perfect for people of all ages, all aspirations, and all phases of creative endeavor. How do you nurture an idea? You'll see!
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Or check out these projects and book lists to inspire your family to heal the Earth.
Disclaimer: Doing Good Together™ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.
Picture Books to Inspire Environmental Justice Seekers
Get inspired to protect earth’s resources!
This list is designed to inspire your child to protect the earth and her resources for everyone. We've included fiction, historical fiction, and many nonfiction titles that offer practical tips and inspiring tales of earth-friendly acts of compassion.
Talk about the issue
Engage your children in a problem-solving mindset:
What good things are we already doing in our daily life to protect the earth’s resources?
What environmental challenges or changes have you noticed in our neighborhood, community, state, nation, or the world?
What changes can our family make right now to take even better care of our planet?
Ask questions that prompt conversations about environmental ethics:
Why should we walk instead of drive to the park?
When trash disappears into the garbage truck, wastewater disappears down the drain or car exhaust disappears into the sky, where does it go?
If waste doesn’t stay and make our home or neighborhood dirty, why is it important to reduce our waste and speak up for a cleaner world?
Acknowledge tough choices ("It's hard to know how far to turn down the thermostat in the winter."), and make a point to discuss your family’s environmental values.
Explain that simple decisions can have an impact, like coloring on both sides of the page, turning off the water when you brush your teeth or turning out lights when you leave a room.
But make it clear that no family can protect earth’s resources all on their own. Raise your voice for collective solutions with DGT’s kid-friendly printable advocacy sheets or sign-up to volunteer with a local environmental justice organization.
“Make time to discuss the books you read and the service projects you do together. By talking intentionally and openly about complicated ideas, you are giving your child the opportunity to strengthen their compassion, problem-solving, and empathy muscles. ”
Print DGT’s reflection guide when you volunteer to heal the earth. Also, click here for our complete list of reflection guides.
Our Featured Title
We are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom
Winner of the 2021 Caldecott Medal, this lyrical story offers lessons in resilliance, celebration, and the importance of protecting and honoring the many ways all life on earth is connected.
More DGT Favorites
365 Ways to Live Green for Kids: Saving the Environment at Home, School, or at Play–Every Day! by Sheri Amsel
Simple ideas for how kids can protect the earth.
The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle: A Story About Recycling by Allison Inches
Ever wonder what happens when you recycle a plastic bottle? Follow its journey from your recycling bin to its new life as you learn about the importance of recycling.
Begin with a Bee by Liza Ketchum, Jacqueline Briggs Martin, and Phyllis Root
This poetic, life-cycle study of bumblebees encourages readers to recognize the part we all play in protecting the natural world.
The Boy Who Grew a Forest: The True Story of Jadav Payeng by Sophia Ghol
In this beautiful, award-winning book, you’ll meet Jadav Payeng, the boy who noticed the terrible impact of deforestation on his island home in India. Follow Payeng as he decided to do something about this devastation, reminding us all of the difference a single person with a big idea can make.
The Berenstain Bears Go Green by Jan Berenstain and Mike Berenstain
When the Berenstain family discovers that the town dump is overflowing, they must find a way to fix the problem before it's too late.
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer
When drought struck fourteen-year-old William Kamkwamba's Malawi village, everyone struggled. Failing crops meant there wasn't enough money to attend school, so William spent his time in the library where he discovered and became an expert in the power of wind. This true story of a boy who brought electricity to his village is as exciting and inspiring as any fiction picture book.
Colonel Trash Truck by Kathleen Crawley
The colonel is on a mission to protect the beauty of the earth by cleaning up litter — and convincing others to do the same.
Fatima’s Great Outdoors by Ambreen Tariq
Join Fatima on an adventure that illustrates the calm and confidence that can be learned while spending time in nature, making new family members, and appreciating strong family roots.
The Greening Book by Ellen Sabin
Through activities and exercises, The Greening Book teaches children that they can make a difference in the future of our planet.
Heal The Earth: A White Feather Flier Adventure by Julian Lennon
This clever book ignites imagination and invites little readers on a journey to heal the earth. Best for readers ages 5 and under.
Here Comes the Garbage Barge by Jonah Winter
This hilarious story is sure to inspire your whole family to be mindful of your environmental impact.
Jayden’s Impossible Garden by Mélina Mangal
Jayden’s story highlights the beauty of intergenerational relationships and the power of perseverance in bringing a community garden to life.
Just a Dream by Chris Van Allsburg
What's so important about taking care of the earth anyway? Walter discovers in the answer in a captivating vision of the future. The illustrations alone will inspire your whole family, and the ending will inspire a discussion about what your family can do to create a brighter future.
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
The Lorax, who speaks for the trees, warns the Once-ler that there are lasting consequences of cutting down trees. In case you've missed it, this book is also an exceptional animated film.
The Magic School Bus and the Climate Challenge by Joanna Cole
The beloved Ms. Frizzle not only explains climate change with both humor and science but empowers kids to help solve the crisis. In true Magic School Bus fashion, this book captivates children while delivering a critical message.
The Michael Recycle series by Ellie Bethel
Recycling is a superpower! This endearingly entertaining series features Michael encouraging people to recycle and get creative in various situations.
Nibi Emosaawdang /The Water Walker by Joanne Robertson (In English and Ojibwe)
An inspiring story of Josephine Mandamin, an Anishinaabe First Nations elder, who advocated for the protection of water. With vibrant illustrations and valuable teachings, it is a perfect reminder of our responsibility to Mother Earth.
Not for Me Please: I Choose to Act Green by Maria Godsey
This clever, rhyming tale introduces early elementary students to different ways they can “act green.” Join Luke as he role models how children can use the phrase “not for me” to step up and take action on behalf of the environment. Full of relatable examples and lively illustrations, this book is a fun way to reinvigorate your conservation habits.
One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia by Miranda Paul
How much mess can one plastic bag create? Find out in this compelling story, and follow Ceesay in her creative effort to clean up.
Olivia’s Birds: Saving the Gulf by Olivia Bouler
Olivia drew and painted pictures of birds to raise money for wildlife affected by the Gulf oil spill in 2010, and in this book, she tells her story.
The Problem of the Hot World by Pam Bonsper
Five forest friends band together to teach an important lesson about global warming. Realizing that there are serious problems in their surroundings, these critters take a journey to figure out what’s causing them. Best for readers ages 5 and under.
Rocket Says Clean Up by Nathon Byron
Rocket visits her grandparents, where she loves to explore the beach. When she discovers the beach is clogged with trash, she knows she has to do something!
Sparrow Girl by Sara Pennypacker
This fictional tale with a historical backdrop, this moving story illustrates the dangers of disrupting the natural world and encourages everyone to make a difference in whatever way they can. Ming-Li’s country had declared sparrows the enemy of the farmers and announced a great "Sparrow War" to banish them from China. Ming-Li did not want to chase the birds away and vowed to save as many sparrows as she could, one by one.
This title isn’t currently available on Amazon but is available at World Saving Books.
The Tantrum that Saved the World by Megan Herbert and Michael E. Mann
This unique book is told in two parts. First, it tells the story of a little girl who inherits a big problem she didn’t ask for, gets really frustrated, and then channels all of her energy into action. Then, it takes care to explain the science of climate change in non-threatening, non-terrifying language for kids. It even includes an action plan families can follow after they read the book.
Rachel Carson and Her Book That Changed the World by Laurie Lawlor
A pioneer in the field of environmentalism, this picture book tells of how Rachel Carson overcame opposition from family and friends to become the author of the famed book, Silent Spring, which linked the effects of humans to the changes in the environment.
Snowy White World to Save by Stephanie Lisa Tara
Mama Polar Bear and her cubs are facing down the real impact of climate change.
What Happens to Our Trash? by D. J. Ward
Discover what happens to garbage and recycling once it’s disposed of.
Why Should I Series:
Why Should I Protect Nature?
Why Should I Recycle?
Why Should I Save Water?
Why Should I Save Energy?
All by Jen Green and Mike Gordon. This four-book series answers children’s questions about the environment and demonstrates the importance of protecting nature.
Wangari’s Trees of Peace by Jeanette Winter
The story of Wangari Maathai, the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner who planted over 30 million trees in Kenya and helped reshape her country’s approach to nature.
What a Waste: Trash, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet by Jess French
Informative, engaging, and eye-opening, this book introduces elementary-aged kids to the idea that nothing can ever be truly thrown “away.” Walk away with strategies to conserve resources at home and the inspiration to stick with those strategies.
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Disclaimer: Doing Good Together™ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.