Kindness Fortune Tellers
Print and play with these FREE downloadable origami fortune tellers—with a kind-hearted twist!
The creations below have been tested on a wide variety of children and their families at our Family Service Fairs. Our field research makes one thing clear: kindness is fun!
Possible Recipients
Perfect for party favors, classmate gifts, or enlivening wait times or road trips.
Print one of the fortune tellers linked below:
Kindness Conversations Fortune Teller: Perfect for the car or to prompt small group discussion.
Acts of Kindness Fortune Teller: Quick acts of kindness and a few more discussion questions, perfect for taking to the park or distracting your family in the waiting room.
Follow the instructions for cutting and folding it into shape.
Play the game! Find instructions for fortune tellers here.
If you have trouble getting the kids excited, try:
Answering first. Your input will get them more involved.
Leaving them in charge of their answers. Resist the urge to “teach” or correct their responses. Even if their dream to use $100 includes buying and hoarding candy to the exclusion of all else. Let them know you are tempted to use it all too, but that if you really knew you could do some good with it you would put it toward….
Being silly. Some days, no one has the energy for straight talk and pithy conversations. Some days we all need to be a little goofy.
TableTopics Family. These conversation cards create an opportunity to share thoughts, opinions, desires, and dreams. Perfect for mealtimes, bedtime, or in the car.
201 Questions to Ask your Kids; 201 Questions to Ask your Parents by Pepper Schwarz (Harper Paperbacks, 2000). Ages 10 and up. This book is full of questions that go beyond the topics of giving and kindness, but will help open up a broader conversation.
Take it further
Keep a journal near at hand to jot down memorable moments. Some family quotes deserve to live in infamy.
Resolve to turn one thing from your conversation into an action item. Start a collection for your favorite charity or write a thank you to someone who was helpful. Take a small step toward making someone’s “wish for the world” a reality.

Still looking for a meaningful family moment? Browse our projects.