LGBTQ Movement

Books for Elementary Students

The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams
This delightful, laugh-out-loud story elegantly teaches older readers lessons in kindness and tolerance. Twelve-year-old Dennis is learning to cope with a stressful home life by finding his own passions and making his own choices, however unorthodox they may be.


Gay & Lesbian History for Kids: The Century-Long Struggle for LGBT Rights, with 21 Activities by Jerome Pohlen
Broaden your understanding of the fight for LGBT rights with this engaging history stretching from Sappho to modern days. Ages 9 and up.

Melissa by Alex Gino
Melissa has grown used to keeping her secret. She goes along with everyone that assumes she's a boy. But more than anything she wants to play Charlotte in Charlotte's Web, so badly that she and a friend make a plan to unveil her secret and be who she really is. Ages 8 to 12.

Young Adult Books

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
This thought-provoking story follow two loners, each with challenging home lives and both reacting differently to their homosexuality. Ages 12 and up.

It Gets Better: Coming Out, Overcoming Bullying, and Creating a Life Worth Living by Dan Savage and Terry Miller
This collection of essays of testimonials from a wide variety of authors illustrates the challenges of growing up LGBT and reminds us all that we can build the life we wish to have. Ages 14 and up.

Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen by Jazz Jennings
Named one of Time Magazine's "25 Most Influential Teens of the Year," Jazz shares her transgender experience and her search for acceptance. Ages 12 and up.

Stonewall: Breaking Out in the Fight for Gay Rightsby Ann Bausum
This outstanding historical account of the movement is written with teens in mind. Ages 12 and up.

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