
June 2018 - Boston
15th Annual Boston Walk with Us to Cure Lupus
Lupus Research Alliance (LRA)
Date/Time: Saturday, June 2, 7:30 - 11:30am
Location: DCR's Baxter Park at Assembly Row, Somerville The Lupus Research Alliance's signature national fundraising program Walk with Us to Cure Lupus began in 2002 with its first Walk in Washington, DC. Today, tens of thousands of volunteers from across the country have joined the LRA's quest to find a cure for lupus. Friends, families and co-workers share their stories and their spirit, while raising funds for lupus research. To date, the Walk with Us to Cure Lupus program has raised over $31 million for lupus research. 100% of all the money raised through the Walk program goes directly to support lupus research. Volunteers will spend the morning outside in a fun and inspiring environment, helping to raise both awareness of lupus and funds for lupus research. Volunteers are needed to assist with the following event tasks:
- Set-up: Event set-up is a great opportunity for early risers.
- Route Marshals: Ensure that the walkers are staying on the walk route.
- T-shirt Pick Up: Hand out incentive t-shirts to qualifying walkers.
- Food Area: Help set up the food area and distribute snacks and beverages.
- Clean Up: Help with post event clean up, break down, and packing of supplies.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate; volunteers 16 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Time Commitment: Up to four hours, depending on activity
Lincoln Elementary School Beautification Project in Lowell
The Mission Continues
Date/Time: Saturday, June 9, 10:30am -3pm
Location: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School, 300 Chelmsford Street, Lowell Come join The Mission Continues Lowell 1st Service Platoon as we host a service project at Abraham Lincoln Elementary School. We have several tasks to complete and are looking for at least 50 veterans and community volunteers to come serve with us. Volunteers are needed to: - Remove shrubs that are collecting trash and debris.
- Build two benches to beautify the front of the school.
- Paint playground ground games like 4-square and hopscotch to help students have fun and be active.
- Paint the outdoor amphitheater and poles at the entryway to make the front more colorful and inviting.
- Landscape and cleanup around the school.
Wear clothing that you don't mind getting dirty! Lunch will be provided.
Ages: Families with children ages eight and older are welcome. Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian throughout the service day
Time Commitment: Four and one-half hours
Second Saturdays
Emerald Necklace Conservancy
Date/Time: Second Saturday of the month, June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, October 13, November 10; 10am - 1pm.
Location: Olmsted Park, 217 Jamaicaway, Boston; or Franklin Park, 1 Franklin Park Rd, Boston The Emerald Necklace Conservancy connects people and parks and conserves the Emerald Necklace through projects and programs to enrich the visitor experience and restore and renew the landscape, waterways, and parkways. Volunteers are needed to work in the woodlands to remove invasive plants and support a healthy, urban forest! All tools and instruction provided. No experience necessary except a willingness to be outside and get your hands dirty!
Ages: Families with children ages eight and over are welcome to volunteer; if you have younger children, let us know. We can usually accommodate them as well. Time Commitment: Three hours
Contact: Kelsey Tustin, ktustin@emeraldnecklace.org, 617.522.2700. Registration is available online. After you've registered you will received an email with additional details and reminders. www.emeraldnecklace.org |
JF&CS Family Table Distribution
Jewish Family and Children's Service
Date/Time: Sunday, June 10, or Sunday, July 15, between two to three hours
- 9am: If interested, participate in setting up for the food distribution.
- 10:15-11:45am: Receive your assignment and pack and deliver groceries. You may arrive anytime during this time frame. You will receive a quick orientation and can then begin packing groceries for several families.
Location: 1430 Main Street, Waltham Family Table provides healthy food on a monthly and emergency basis to individuals and families in need. Their mission is to end hunger in the Greater Boston Jewish community while serving people who need assistance, regardless of religious affiliation. Family Table fulfills its mission by providing Kosher food, creating a caring Jewish connection, and empowering people to make healthy eating a part of their daily lives. Family Table serves more than 100 towns across Greater Boston, the North Shore, and the South Area. Currently, Family Table is helping more than 500 families each month with groceries and connections to other services. Volunteers are needed to help with the following tasks:
- Setting up the pantry
- Packaging and delivering food orders to recipient families
Packing will take approximately 30 - 45 minutes. Your delivery location will not be more than 30 minutes from your hometown but not in your hometown for confidentiality reasons. The clients know that you are just dropping off the food and not visiting.
Ages: All ages are welcome and encouraged to volunteer when accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: One to three hours depending on the activity. Volunteers can arrive at 9am to help with setup.
Tuesdays with Roses
Emerald Necklace Conservancy
Date/Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 - 7:30pm, starting the last Tuesday of May and running through September.
Location: Kelleher Rose Garden, located in the Back Bay Fens, 125 Fenway, Boston The Emerald Necklace Conservancy connects people and parks and conserves the Emerald Necklace through projects and programs to enrich the visitor experience and restore and renew the landscape, waterways and parkways. Volunteers are needed to work in the rose garden to weed the plant beds and deadhead roses. All tools and instruction provided. No experience necessary except a willingness to be outside and get your hands dirty!
Ages: Families with children ages eight and over are welcome to volunteer; if you have younger children, let us know. We can usually accommodate them as well.
Time Commitment: Three hours
Contact: Kelsey Tustin, ktustin@emeraldnecklace.org, 617.522.2700. Registration is available online. After you've registered you will received an email with additional details and reminders. www.emeraldnecklace.org
Farm Volunteers Needed
Mill City Grows Inc
Date/Time: Thursdays and Saturdays through November 17, 8am - noon
Location: Volunteer days are at the "Big Farm" in Pawtucketville, Lowell. Please contact for specific address.
Mill City Grows is growing a healthier community by creating new opportunities for residents to access healthy, fresh, affordable foods. Our mission is to foster food justice in Lowell, MA by improving physical health, economic independence, and environmental sustainability through increased access to land, locally grown food and education. When you volunteer on our farms, you aid in providing Lowell with local, organic food that you've helped to plant, cultivate, and harvest. Join us for a breath of fresh air in a fun, physically demanding, and rejuvenating environment. Come to get dirty! Volunteers will learn more about farming and growing in our community, enjoy a rejuvenating outdoor experience, and increase healthy food access to thousands of Lowell residents.
Ages: Families with children of all ages are welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Two to four hours
Grow Extra to Share
Ample Harvest
Date/Time: Ongoing
Location: Your own garden or join a community garden near you. Do you like to garden? One out of six Americans is food insecure, meaning they don't know where their next meal will come from. No matter where you live, there are people in your community that are experiencing hunger. Food pantries help fill in the gaps but are continuously lacking in healthy, fresh produce to offer. Luckily, you can help alleviate this issue in your own neighborhood! By planting just a little extra to donate, you can improve the health of your community as well. When you donate your excess garden bounty, you are helping to relieve hunger and making an impact on obesity and other food-related diseases. Consider planting an extra row or even a few additional plants to donate to a local food pantry. And if you find yourself with a runaway zucchini plant or another bountiful crop that gives you more than you can eat, don't let it go to waste! Even a small donation will help increase food security in your area.
Ages: All ages can participate, depending on the garden or farm
Time Commitment: Varies
Making Lunch for the Ladies
On The Rise, Inc
Date/Time: Flexible, meals are needed six days a week. Check the calendar on Meal Train for available dates. Meals should be dropped off between 8-11am, prior day delivery can be arranged if needed.
Location: 341 Broadway, Cambridge
For the homeless women at On The Rise, a healthy and hearty meal enjoyed in a safe home is invaluable. They rely on the kind hearts and culinary talents of volunteers to cook a meal in their kitchen and deliver to On the Rise directly. This volunteer opportunity fills one of their greatest needs by being able to offer a healthy and hearty meal to a woman who otherwise would not have many options. Don't shy away from this opportunity even if you don't consider yourself a cook; store bought and pre-made items are also welcome. As the women are as diverse as their palates, you choose what you would like to make; it is sure to be appreciated and enjoyed! Shopping, preparing and cooking these meals is a wonderful opportunity to give back with your children, as they can get involved at any age. To respect the privacy of the women, volunteers do not serve lunch at On The Rise. The women self-serve lunch; please package lunch buffet or family style (no individually wrapped items). Entrées should serve 20 - 25 people. Click here for more specific lunch preparation and delivery information.
Ages: All ages can participate.
Time Commitment: Flexible, this can be a one-time opportunity or you may sign up for multiple shifts throughout the year
Contact: Keyton Sheely, keyton.sheely@ontherise.org, 617.497.7968. Volunteers self schedule dates on Meal Train. Dates in blue mean a person has already signed up to cook a lunch for that day. Dates in green are available for lunch. Simply click on the day you'd like and register! You'll get a reminder email one week before your scheduled date as well as a one day before reminder. www.ontherise.org
Make this a Summer of Kindness with DGT's Summer Bucket List
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: All summer long
Location: Your home or community Print and post one or both of DGT's two innovative Summer of Kindness bucket lists. These creative kindness projects will keep your family making big-hearted memories all summer long.
Ages: Preschool to teen
Time Commitment: 15 minutes to 1 hour per week depending upon the activities you choose to complete.
Contact: mail@doinggoodtogether.org
Make this a summer of new experiences!
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2018 Doing Good Together™