May 2017 - Silicon Valley
Looking for a way to stay in touch with DGT™ in Silicon Valley? Join our DGT Silicon Valley Facebook page
to learn more about upcoming local volunteer activities and to find resources to help families raise caring and kind children.
Nature Journaling with the Citizen Science Team
Date/Time: Saturday May 6, 1 - 2pm
Ullistac Natural Area, 4901 Lick Mill Blvd, Santa Clara
If you love nature, arts, science, writing, imagining and community, you'll love our Community Nursery Nature Journaling Events! Now more than ever, we need Citizen Scientists to chronicle our natural world. Together we share our curiosity and experience seeing our natural world in new ways. We'll explore the practice of nature journaling through the combined lens of artists, scientists, musicians, writers, multicultural visions, and naturalists. We will join the many Citizen Scientists who record the wonders of nature throughout the world for all to share in. No experience needed but is always appreciated.
Please Bring: A pencil or pen and/or colored pencils, a journal or scratch paper and something hard to draw on (like a clipboard), reusable water bottle, close-toed shoes, sun or rain protection, a magnifying glass or binoculars, ruler, if you have them for close observations. Don't have any of this? No worries, we will provide art materials and paper.
Ages: All ages are encouraged to participate
Time Commitment: One and one-half hours
I Care Classic Springtime Bike Tour
Date/Time: May 13, 6am - 4pm
Paramit Corporation Campus, 18735 Madrone Parkway, Morgan Hill
For 25 years, the Almaden Super Lions Club has sponsored the I CARE Classic Bike Tour to raise funds to provide eye exams and glasses for children and veterans in need. 100% of the event proceeds from rider registration are dedicated to that cause. The tour has courses for all skill levels: a 100-mile hilly course, a 100-kilometer course, a 50-kilometer course and a 20-mile course. This is a tour, not a race, and it makes for a great family outing! Ride through the spectacular spring scenery of Morgan Hill on well mapped, marked courses with great rest stops and SAG support along the way. All rest stops are well stocked with fresh fruit, home-baked cookies, trail mix, water, sports drinks and more. Refuel at the finish with a hearty barbecue chicken lunch and ice cream.
Ages: All ages welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies depending on route chosen
Help Out Sacred Heart Community Services
Sacred Heart Community Services
Date/Time: Saturday, May 13, 9am - noon
Location: 1381 South 1st St, San Jose
Since 1964 Sacred Heart Community Service has served Santa Clara County residents in need. They provide food, clothing, job training, legal services, housing assistance and educational classes free of charge to more than 1500 clients each day. Join us to support Sacred Heart's programs by building food baskets, sorting clothing and food donations, and preparing educational materials for the clients. Volunteers must wear appropriate clothing (pants, no bare midriff or low cut shirts) and closed-toed shoes. The parking lot is often available for volunteers on Saturdays, please do not park in Wendy's or Denny's.
Ages: Kids ages 14 and under must have a parent or trusted adult present to volunteer
Time Commitment: Three hours
National River Clean Up Day at Vasona County Park
Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department
Date/Time: Saturday May 20, 9am - noon
Location: Vasona County Park, 1250 Dell Avenue, Campbell. Volunteers will meet at the Los Gatos Creek Park Group Area at 9am
Join millions of Americans on National River Cleanup Day to remove litter in our waterways. Litter found around the County parks and streets will eventually end up in our local creeks and rivers that flow out to the San Francisco Bay. You can make a difference in your community and for the whole Bay Area. Bring a friend and let's have some fun! No special skills are required for this event. Please bring a water bottle and sunscreen. Work gloves and pick up sticks are provided but you are welcome to wear your own.
Ages: A parent or guardian must accompany volunteers age 14-15 throughout the event. Volunteers age 16-17 may participate without parent/guardian supervision but only if they present a completed volunteer application including a parent or guardian's signature. Application forms as available at the event but the parent or guardian must be present to sign.
Time Commitment: Three hours
Silicon Valley Girls on the Run 5K Race Volunteer
Date/Time: Saturday May 20. The race begins at 8am
Location: Vasona Lake County Park, 333 Blossom Hill Road, Los Gatos
Spend a morning in May with Girls on the Run of Silicon Valley! We need over 200 race day volunteers to help ensure that all our 5K participants successfully reach the finish line. Come join the fun and become a 5K Volunteer today! Pass out T-shirts at packet pick-up, hand out Mardi Gras beads and water to runners and walkers along the course, award ribbons to finishers, and more. For detailed i nformation on the many 5K volunteer roles and to register to volunteer visit the website.
All ages are welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Laura Krebs, Race Director, laura@gotrsv.org, 800.524.1925 x 103. Volunteers under the age of 18 have a separate registration form on the website. There are both individual volunteer opportunities and corporate/school/group volunteer opportunities available
Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center
Date/Time: Sunday May 21, 12:30 - 2pm
Location: 4901 Breakwater Avenue, Hayward
The Hayward Area Recreation and Park District, known locally as "H.A.R.D.,"is an independent special use district created to provide park and recreation services for over 280,000 residents. Since its creation, the District has provided residents with many beautiful facilities and parks, many of which have received national and state recognition for their design, innovation and beauty, as well as hundreds of educational and recreational classes and programs. Grab your work gloves and your goodwill; the salt marsh needs your help getting rid of the trash that has accumulated since our last cleanup. We will provide trash bags and have gloves to lend.
Ages: All ages are welcome to volunteer
Time Commitment: One and one-half hours
Contact: 510.670.7270, parkdept@haywardrec.org
Park Beautification and Litter Clean Up at Vasona
Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department
Date/Time: Saturday May 27, 9am - noon. Volunteers will meet at the Los Gatos Creek Park Group Area at 9am
Location: Vasona Lake County Park, 1250 Dell Avenue, Campbell
There are many ways to keep your park beautiful! Litter is all around us. Soda cans, plastic bags, and cigarette butts litter the environment, harm wildlife, and threaten our local parks and the planet. Together we can make a difference one piece of litter at a time. No special skills are required for this event. Please bring a water bottle and sunscreen. Work gloves and pick up sticks are provided but you are welcome to wear your own.
Ages: A parent or guardian must accompany volunteers age 10-15 throughout the event. Volunteers age 16-17 may participate without parent/guardian supervision but only if they present a completed volunteer application including a parent or guardian's signature. Application forms are available at the event but the parent or guardian must be present to sign.
Time Commitment: Three hours
Relay For Life Events May 2017
American Cancer Society
Family volunteer opportunities at local Relay for Life events can include, but are not limited to: Luminaria set up, trash pick up, track signs & general signage, set up/tear down, registration, and staffing the Fight Back Tent. Families are also welcome and encouraged to sign up to participate in the Relay For Life. If you are interested in walking as a family or with a team check out your local Relay For Life event sign up page. The following Relay for Life events are happening in May:
Almaden Relay For Life Date/Time: Saturday, May 6, 9am - 10pm
Location: Almaden Lake Park, 6099 Winfield Blvd, San Jose
Contact: Evan Frazer, evan.frazer@cancer.org, 408.688.0104 www.relayforlife.org/almadencaMid-Peninsula Relay For LifeDate/Time: Saturday & Sunday, May 6 - 7, 10am - 8am Location: Sequoia High School, 1201 Brewster Ave, Redwood City Contact: Kate Atterbury, kate.atterbury@cancer.org, 510.464.8136 www.relayforlife.org/midpeninsulacaWillow Glen Relay For LifeDate/Time: Saturday & Sunday, May 6-7, 10am - 10am Location: Willow Glen High School, 2001 Cottle Ave San Jose Contact: Nick Pauliukonis, nick.pauliukonis@cancer.org, 408.688.0088 www.relayforlife.org/willowglencaStanford University Relay For LifeDate/Time: Saturday & Sunday, May 13-14, 10am - 10am Location: Angell Track & Cobb Field, 295 Galvez Street, Stanford Contact: Alicia Ruiz, alicia.ruiz@cancer.org, 408.688.0114 www.relayforlife.org/stanfordcaBlossom Valley Relay For LifeDate/Time: Saturday & Sunday, May 20 - 21, 10am - 10am Location: Santa Teresa High School, 6150 Snell Avenue, San Jose Contact: Kristi Cole, kristi.cole@cancer.org, 408.688.0089 www.RelayForLife.org/blossomvalleycaMorgan Hill Relay For LifeDate/Time: Saturday & Sunday, May 20 - 21, 10am - 10am Location: Morgan Hill Community Park, 171 E. Edmundoson Ave, Morgan Hill Contact: Natalie Edelman, natalie.edelman@cancer.org, 408.688.0126 www.RelayForLife.org/morganhillca
Ages: All ages are welcome to volunteer
Time Commitment: Varies depending on volunteer role
Veggielution's Youth Garden
Veggielution Community Farm
Date/Time: Every Saturday, 10am - 12:30pm
Location: 647 S. King Road, San Jose; located in the back of Emma Prusch Park
Come join Veggielution farms for weekly Youth Garden Activities. Every Saturday the whole family can enjoy gardening, crafting, and learning together in the Youth Garden. Participating in our Youth Garden activities is a great way to spend time with your children while exploring the garden, learning about healthy lifestyle choices, and discovering the exciting processes of the natural world - not to mention making new friends. This is a unique opportunity to get your hands dirty and become better stewards of the environment as a family. Veggielution volunteer activities encourage exploration and play-based learning for the whole family.
Ages: Families with children ages three and up are welcome to volunteer. Families visiting the Youth Garden should have a 2:1 child to adult ratio for ages 3-6, and a 3:1 ratio for ages 7 and up.
Time Commitment: Two and one-half hours
Contact: Jennifer Aguilar, jena@veggielution.org or Dana Shinners, danas@veggielution.org. To sign up visit their Youth Garden web page.
Sunday Friends' Programs for Very Low-Income Families
Sunday Friends
Date/Time: Sundays: Shifts available between 10:30am and 5:30pm. Also, there are some after-school shifts on weekdays at our special store.
- Santee Elementary, 1313 Audubon Dr., San Jose, on the 2nd Sunday of every month
- Lowell Elementary, 625 South 7th St., San Jose, on the 4th Sunday of every month. In November and December this will be on the 3rd Sunday of the month due to holidays
- Also, a special store, 730 Story Rd. Ste. 3, San Jose, open weekdays from 4 - 7pm
Volunteers are needed to work directly with children, and maybe also their parents, to facilitate service and learning projects, including: craft gift making, healthy food preparation, letter and essay writing, hands-on science projects, math and other learning games, computer education, English as a Second Language classes, reading and book report writing, exercise class, parents' classes and more. Because children and parents earn tickets for their participation, redeemable for basic necessities in our special stores, you might also assist with the banking, store setup or shopping.
Ages: Teens, adults, families and groups are all welcome. An adult must accompany children under age 14.
Time Commitment: No predetermined number of hours, but if you sign up to come to a program, you are expected to come.
Contact: Volunteers should begin with the New Volunteer Registration process on the volunteer page. Please register to volunteer a couple of weeks in advance of the date. Contact Lilly, lillyp@sundayfriends.org, or Vanessa, volunteer@sundayfriends.org, with questions or call 408.217.9587. www.SundayFriends.org
Help the TCV Foodbank
Tri-City Volunteers
Date/Time: Monday through Friday, 8am - 4pm
Location: 37350 Joseph St., Fremont
Volunteers are essential to Tri-City Volunteers food bank's daily grocery cart preparation and distribution. We need approximately 40 warehouse volunteers a day to ensure that as many as 350 client families per day receive adequate nutrition. Volunteers also help us sort and hang donated clothing and attractively merchandise our boutique thrift store, which provides very low-cost items to struggling families: babies clothes are 10 for $1.00, children's clothes are 5 for $1.00 and the majority of adult clothing is marked at $0.50 or $2.00. Community volunteers are the heart of our agency. Not only do volunteers work directly with low and very-low income families, they bring to life our vision of a community united together to ensure that every child and adult in our area is not just free from hunger, but can access pathways to financial stability and self-sufficiency. While volunteers assist families in Tri-City Volunteers food bank and thrift store, they are also mentoring and deeply connecting with others. That is the real strength of our work.
Ages: Families with children ten and older are welcome to volunteer
Time Commitment: Minimum of two hours
Contact: To learn more and to sign up for volunteer orientation, contact Gloria Lara, glara@tri-cityvolunteers.org, 510.793.4583. www.tri-cityvolunteers.org
Let's multiply kindness!
Thank you to everyone who attended our April 20th Celebration and helped us raise funds to empower families to raise children who care and contribute! If you weren't able to attend our event, here's your chance to make an impact. Every $25 raised helps DGT™ engage with a new family who wants to share more acts of kindness and service. Those big-hearted efforts have a multiplying effect: As families do more good for others, they start a family routine of giving that benefits others now and in the future. Whether you want to support one family or several, your donation helps us multiply kindness and extend DGT's reach to families across the nation. Click here to make your donation. And to instill a habit of kindness and service in your own family, be sure to join our Membership Circle if you haven't already.
Make this a Summer of Kindness with DGT's Summer Bucket List
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: All summer long
Location: Your home or community
Print and post one or both of DGT's two innovative Summer of Kindness bucket lists. These creative kindness projects will keep your family making big-hearted memories all summer long.
Ages: Preschool to teen
Time Commitment: 15 minutes to 1 hour per week depending upon the activities you choose to complete.
Contact: mail@doinggoodtogether.org
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2016 Doing Good Together™