May 2018 - Silicon Valley
Family Volunteering Day
Cityteam San Jose
Date/Time: Saturday, May 5, 10am - noon
Location: 1297 North 13th St, San José Cityteam provides services to people living in extreme poverty. Cityteam programs offer help such as hot meals, shelter, life transformation programs, clothing, hygiene items, learning, and career help. This volunteer opportunity encourages parents and children to work together to make a positive impact in the community for those in need. Families may assist with packing hygiene kits, food boxes, or sorting donations.
- Volunteers must wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. Please dress modestly and comfortably.
- Please do not bring valuables. We do not have a secure place for volunteers to leave belongings.
- We encourage volunteers to take this opportunity to clean out your closet, garage, or pantry and bring along items to donate.
Ages: Families with children ages 11 and older are welcome to volunteer.
Time Commitment: Two hours
Contact: Erin Campos, ecampos@cityteam.org, 408.232.5620. Registration is available online.
Cupertino Volunteer Fair
City of Cupertino
Date/Time: Saturday May 5, 11am - 3pm
Location: Cupertino Civic Center Plaza, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino
The 2018 Cupertino Volunteer Fair will showcase the numerous volunteer organizations that dedicate their time and services to bettering society. Community members in both Cupertino and surrounding areas will have the chance learn about local volunteer opportunities. Whether it is a retired individual seeking to dedicate their time to a greater purpose, a student needing to complete service credit, or any individual seeking to better enrich their lives through volunteering, the Cupertino Volunteer Fair will help match volunteers with opportunities at local organizations. Visit the event site to see a list of organizations attending.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to attend.
Time Commitment: Stay as long as you would like.
Contact: 408.777.3200
Operation Care and Comfort
The Trash Punx
Date/Time: Sunday May 6, Check-in begins at 9:30am (look for the Raiders tent); Event runs from 10am - 1pm
Location: San José. Municipal Stadium, 588 E Alma Ave, San José. Join The Trash Punx team as we partner with Operation: Care and Comfort to sort, box, and mail 1,000's of pounds of care packages for our deployed troops. This is Operation: Care and Comfort's quarterly military care package event. Please wear closed-toed shoes, and bring water, sunscreen, and sunglasses.
Ages: Children ages five and up are welcome with adult supervision.
Time Commitment: Three hours
Contact: thetrashpunx@gmail.com. Volunteers must pre-register online. Spaces fill quicky so please register asap.
Alum Rock Park: Trail Crew
San Jose Parks: Volunteer Management Team
Date/Time: Saturday, May 12, 9am - 1pm
Location: Alum Rock Park, 15350 Penitencia Creek Road, San José. Please plan on arriving at the Penitencia Creek entrance by 8:45am, then follow the "Volunteer Event" signs to the parking lot. The park is very large and has very limited cell phone reception. Like to hike? Then volunteer to improve the trails! Foot traffic wears down the tread; bushes and wildflowers grow over the trail; and rain, fire and wind have their own effects. You and your family can help to maintain a safe trail. Trail Crew Days are a great way to learn about the park, try something new, and meet new friends. After your inspiring volunteer experience, you will end up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to hike even more!
- No experience necessary. Come meet others who enjoy hiking and the great outdoors.
- Training and tools are provided, but you are welcome to bring your favorite tool.
- Long pants, a long-sleeve shirt, sturdy shoes, sunscreen and a hat are recommended.
- Please bring a filled water bottle and your own snack.
Ages: School age children are welcome to participate. Elementary and Middle school students must attend with an adult.
Time Commitment: Four hours
Creek CleanUp Events - Los Gatos Creek and Guadalupe River Locations
South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition
Date/Time: Saturday May 12, 9 - 11am
- Los Gatos Creek Location - 1995 South Bascom Avenue, Campbell
- Guadalupe River Location - 351 West Virginia Street, San José
- Coyote Creek Location - 1200 Notting Hill Drive, San José
Grab your oldest clothes and shoes and come join us for a creek clean up. We have a mission to Reclaim, Restore and Revitalize our watershed. Many hands will make this work a lighter task. Volunteers are asked to arrive by 8:45 am for a safety presentation. We will be providing trash pick-up tools, trash bags, gloves. Please bring your own water container and we will be happy to fill and refill it! We ask everyone to wear heavy soled shoes, long pants, hat and sunscreen.
Time Commitment: Two hours
National River CleanUp Day
Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation
Date/Time: Saturday May 19, 9am - Noon
- Stevens Creek - 11401 Stevens Canyon Road, Cupertino
- Coyote Lake County Park - 10840 Coyote Reservoir Road, Gilroy
- Lexington Reservoir - 19650 Old Santa Cruz Highway, Los Gatos
- Grant County Park - 18405 Mt Hamilton Road, San José
Join millions of Americans on National River Cleanup Day to remove litter in our waterways. Litter found around the County parks and streets eventually ends up in our local creeks and rivers which flows out to the San Francisco Bay. You can make a difference not only in your community but for the whole Bay Area. Bring your family and let's have some fun!
Ages: Families with children ages 6 and up are welcome to participate. Children under age 15 should have an adult present.
Time Commitment: Three hours
Grassroots Ecology May Events
Grassroots Ecology
Date/Time: Varies by event
Location: Varies by event, most events located between Los Altos and San José
Grassroots Ecology leverages the power of volunteers to create healthy lands across Silicon Valley. We restore native plants to open spaces and neighborhoods, steward creeks and watersheds, and provide hands-on nature education. While volunteering with Grassroots Ecology, you will learn interesting things about the natural world while making a positive impact on the environment. We offer opportunities for people of all ages and skill levels to help with planting, weeding, creek monitoring, or installing rain gardens and rain barrels. To find the right volunteer opportunity for you, please review the menu of clickable links below: Habitat Restoration - Sponsored by the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail, Saturday, May 5 Volunteer at Redwood Grove, Saturday, May 5 Permanente Creek Habitat Restoration Workday, Sunday, May 6 Volunteer at Arastradero Preserve, Saturday, May 12 Volunteer at Foothills Park, Sunday, May 13 Volunteer at Arastradero Preserve, Saturday, May 26:
Ages: All ages welcome at most events. Minors under 18 require a parent to approve the online waiver when registering. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: Varies depending on project
Girls on the Run Silicon Valley 2018 5K
Girls on the Run Silicon Valley
Date/Time: Saturday May 19, the 5K starts at 8am. Volunteer times vary by assignment.
Location: Vasona Park, 333 Blossom Hill Rd., Los Gatos
At Girls on the Run we inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained coaches lead small teams through our research-based curricula which includes dynamic discussions, activities, and running games. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event. This event would not be possible without the help of amazing volunteers who believe in our mission and show up to support our girls. Over 250 volunteers are needed to put on our best 5K yet! Whatever your special skills and talents, we have a role for everyone.
Ages: Families with children ages 11 and older are welcome to volunteer.
Time Commitment: Varies by assignment
Explore Nature with a Scavenger Hunt
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Anytime you can get outdoors with your family!
Location: Your local park or nature center When children learn to appreciate and enjoy nature, they are more likely to grow into adults who value and protect our environment. You and your family can use Doing Good Together's printable Nature Scavenger Hunt checklist to liven up your next walk in the woods. Enjoy exploring nature as a family, invite friends along, or bring this activity to your scouts meeting, classroom, or community gathering. Check out Doing Good Together's Nature Scavenger Hunt project page for more ideas and reflection questions.
Ages: The whole family is welcome to participate Time Commitment: Varies |
Celebrate Milestones This May!
Whether you are celebrating the graduation of a preschooler or college student - or any big moment in between - these milestone moments offer opportunities for sharing gifts that encourage kindness and giving. Visit our Shop Kind Vendor Page for our favorite gift-giving books. And for advice on tackling transitions (by kids and parents), revisit this post from our Blogger: www.doinggoodtogether.org/bhf/blog/masterful-transitions. |
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2018 Doing Good Together™