
November 2019 - Silicon Valley
Santa Clara County Volunteer
Date/Time: Saturday, November 2, 9am - 1pm
Location: Sanborn County Park - Sunnyvale Mountain Parking Area, 16868 Skyline Blvd., Saratoga
Ages: All ages are welcome to participate with parent supervision as long as the parent feels they will be able to participate in the clean-up.
Time Commitment: Four hours
Help maintain over 350 miles of local trails! Join this monthly trail clean-up event co-sponsored by R.E.I and Bay Area Ridge Trail. Bring sturdy boots and gloves. Parks will provide light snacks, water and tools.
Holiday Shopping: 15th Annual Shopping Spree!
Sunday Friends
Date/Time: Friday, November 8 and November 15. Shopping times are 6:30, 7 or 7:30pm for a maximum of 90 minutes.
Location: Hillsdale Target, 1811 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose
Ages: All ages are welcome to participate in the shopping event.
Time Commitment: Up to 90 minutes
Sunday Friends empowers families to break the generational cycle of poverty by fostering positive development in children while educating and guiding parents to support their children's life success. Help make it possible for these parents and children to give each other holiday gifts this year. Bring your family and friends and come shop at the Hillsdale Target! Each shopper must bring $10-$100 and register ahead of time. The gifts purchased will remain unwrapped so each family at Sunday Friends can select a gift that they feel is best for their loved ones.
Contact: For questions regarding this event, please contact HSS@sundayfriends.org. Click here to register you and your family as shoppers.
Holiday Wish Drive- Lead your own drive!
Family Giving Tree
Date/Time: Donations are due between December 9 -11. Check website for specific drop-off times.
Location: In your own community and network! There are a couple drop off centers depending on location in San Jose, San Francisco, Palo Alto, and Castro Valley. - San Jose Warehouse, 110 W. Tasman Drive, San Jose
- San Francisco, 4 Embarcadero Center
- Castro Valley, Cross Streets @ 3 Crosses Church, 20600 John Drive
- Peninsula, Location TBD
Ages: Great for all ages
Time Commitment: Varies
Since 1990, Family Giving Tree has fulfilled gift wishes for over one million Bay Area children from low-income households, holding firm the belief that no child should feel forgotten during the holidays. Your efforts will help provide thousands of children, adults, and seniors in need with wished-for gifts this holiday season.
As a Drive Leader, you will...
- Facilitate donations and participation within your group by posting wish cards or backpack tags in a well-traveled area or distributing them to friends and colleagues.
- Set up a Virtual Giving Tree (VGT) to allow for online donations.
- Deliver the donated items collected to Family Giving Tree's donated warehouse.
- Receive priority when signing up for Family Giving Tree's in-demand warehouse volunteer shifts.
- Have a direct impact in your own community.
EHP Family Sharing Program (formerly Adopt a Family)
Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP)
Date/Time: Gifts are due by Monday, December 16
Location: Ecumenical Hunger Program 2411 Pulgas Ave., East Palo Alto. Call for donation pick-up: 650.323.7781
Ages: The whole family can participate in thoughtful shopping for your adopted family.
Time Commitment: Varies
Every holiday season, EHP provides low-income families in East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Menlo Park and surrounding communities with food and gifts. Several years ago, EHP started a special program for families with special needs and/or experiencing extreme hardship, the EHP Family Sharing Program. These families are matched with individuals or groups wanting to experience a more personal and direct donating experience. Family Sharing donors are provided with a wish list of specific food and new gifts items submitted by the families registered for the Family Sharing Program. Donors receive basic information about the family, including names and ages of the children and special needs or requests that the family might have. Out of respect for the privacy of our families and to allow them to maintain their dignity, some personal information may be withheld.
Contact: To sign up to adopt a family, please call 650.323.7781 or email info@ehpcares.org. You will be provided with the name of the family, their wish list and the opportunity to make this a brighter holiday for a family in need through your generosity. https://www.ehpcares.org/
Donate a Thanksgiving Dinner Basket!
Date/Time: All Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets must be dropped off on November 21 and November 22
Location: Drop off locations in San Mateo and Santa Clara County. Exact drop-off location will be provided upon registration completion
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
With more than 40 years of service and experience, LifeMoves is the largest and most effective nonprofit committed to ending the cycle of homelessness in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. With your help, we can provide fully stocked Thanksgiving meals for clients and families.
Baskets have a suggested total value $50 and can include:
- Gift card (valued at $15-$20) to purchase turkey and other perishable items
- Canned goods, such as cans of veggies, yams, gravy, and cranberries
- Sack of potatoes
- Dinner Rolls
- Stuffing
- Apple cider, or other non-alcoholic beverages
- Dishware, decor, holiday napkins, and cooking supplies
- Aluminum roasting pan
- Plastic containers and bags for leftovers
- Any durable basket or plastic storage containers, to be used as the basket
Help Serve Thanksgiving Meals
Sponsored by LifeMoves
- Wednesday, November 27, noon - 4pm
- Thursday, November 28, noon - 2pm (Thanksgiving Day)
- Friday, November 29, 11:30am - 1:30pm
Location: All Saints Episcopal Church: 555 Waverley St, Palo Alto
Ages: Volunteers can be any age as long as they are able to help out (accompanied by an adult)
Time Commitment: Two - four hours. The annual Estelle Chalfin Palo Alto Community Thanksgiving Meal sponsored by LifeMoves and Downtown Streets Team is held at All Saints Episcopal Church in downtown Palo Alto. Volunteers are needed onsite at All Saints to prep food the day before Thanksgiving, serve food on Thanksgiving Day and leftover lunch the day after. Children can also be involved in shopping for specified ingredients or preparing foods off-site (from the specified menu), to be donated the day before Thanksgiving. Younger children can also help out by making and donating decorations for the Thanksgiving meal tables -- such as candles, table cloths, flowers, cards, and seasonal decor.
County of San Mateo Children's Fund
Date/Time: Drop off hours are Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm
Location: Warehouse location: 1 Davis Drive, Belmont
Ages: Everyone can participate in the toy drive!
Time Commitment: Varies
The Children's Fund Program assists foster and low-income children in San Mateo County access goods and service that are not available through public funds. Every year over 4,500 children and youth, newborn to age 18, receive resources from our program. The Holiday Gift program is our largest program and serves approximately 3,500 children each holiday season. In many cases, the gifts we provide are the only ones that the child receives. Children submit a wish list and volunteers help us fill their "wishes." Help put a smile on a child's face this holiday season! You can help by hosting a toy drive! Collect new toys and gifts with your friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, church/synagogue, or girl scout troop. We'll provide the materials and a barrel. We can pick up all your donations or you can deliver them to our warehouse. Don't have time for a toy drive? Your family can still purchase and donate gifts.
Contact: For more information or to register to host a toy drive, please contact us for more details at 650.802.5152 or childrensfund@smcgov.org https://childrensfund.smcgov.org/
Everyone Should have a Birthday Party!
No Birthday Left Behind
Date/Time: Flexible
Location: Drop-off center located in Santa Clara County. Participate in your own community!
Ages: The whole family can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Donate parties supplies, or vendor gift certificates (face painting, balloons, bouncy house) and help a homeless child have a birthday party! No Birthday Left Behind was started by a local high school student who is on a mission to help homeless children feel included and special.
Contact: For questions or to find a drop off center near you, contact nobirthdayleftbehind@gmail.com.
Spread Thanksgiving cheer to Senior Citizens Near You!
Date/Time: Flexible to your schedule! Contact the organization you're interested to arrange a drop-off time.
Location(s): Here are a few local organizations that will be happy to receive your creative cards. You can also reach out to any senior center, nursing home, hospice or any other agency serving seniors to see if they are interested.
San Mateo County:
Santa Clara County:
Ages: The whole family can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Help make a senior feel special and included by warming their hearts with meaningful and beautiful Thanksgiving cards. Card making can be seen as a generative and healing process for authentic, integrated self-expression and collaborative connection. One in which the impact of how we use and share words and images can transform how we communicate with each other and with the world to create one that works for - and better reflects - all of us. Making cards for your local senior citizens will provide not only a sense of inclusion, but spread happiness as well.
EXPLORE our growing list of at-home projects you can do whenever you're ready, each with conversation starters, book ideas, and more!
Add kindness to your holiday gift list! Our SHOP KIND store is open 24/7
We've talked about gratitude and "giving with purpose" before, and we know more and more Americans are favoring "experience gifts" over material items. We love this quest for less consumerism but also understand the excitement of wrapping a special gift for someone -- and the thrill of opening gifts on special occasions. That's one reason we created our SHOP KIND store. In it, we have collected products from our fabulous " kindness vendors" along with some of our favorite Amazon items. (Disclaimer: we receive affiliate dollars and a small fee from the vendors to support our awesome organization.) Whether you're seeking kindness craft kits, big-hearted books, or kindness wearables, we've got a wide variety of options to choose from this winter holiday season - or year-round!
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2019 Doing Good Together™