September 2018 - Silicon Valley
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5th Annual Ride to End Homelessness
- Event Time: Saturday, September 8, 8am - 1pm
- Volunteers Needed: Saturday, September 8, 7am - 1pm
Location: Packard Grove, 3000 Hanover Street, Palo Alto With more than 40 years of service and experience in successfully serving homeless families and individuals, LifeMoves is the largest and most effective nonprofit committed to ending the cycle of homelessness for families and individuals in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. LifeMoves programs combat homelessness today - and tomorrow - by teaching comprehensive life skills that help clients achieve long-term self-sufficiency, and effectively break the cycle of homelessness. Join LifeMoves in a community ride to raise critically-needed funds to support the high-impact housing programs and services they provide. Families are invited to participate in a 10-mile ride or take on the challenge of a 40-mile ride. All riders will receive a delicious lunch cooked by the LifeMoves NextGen Advisory Board. There will be other events during the day, such as yoga, a guest speaker, and lunch. Check in for the 40-mile ride ( route) will start at 8:00am and check in for the 10-mile ride ( route) will start at 9:30am. Volunteers are needed for a variety of jobs on event day:
- Aid station & rest stop set-up (with LifeMoves signage and brochures)
- Chalking route and posting signs/balloons at turns
- LifeMoves signage and LifeMoves Banner
- Starting area, table, and stretch area set-up
- Ride direction assistance (making sure the riders are following the designated route)
- Check-in/registration & parking assistance
- Coffee and breakfast station
- Lunch preparation and serving
- Bag giveaway table
- Sweep rider
- On-course support (bike pumps, directions, replacement tires, etc.)
- Photographer
- Clean-up
Ages: All ages are welcome to attend the event or to volunteer.
Time Commitment: Volunteer shifts are two-three hours depending on the job.
Contact: Please contact Kristy at kwentzel@alumni.stanford.edu, Mat mathewjachim@gmail.com or lifemovesride@gmail.com with questions or to sign up to volunteer. Just want to attend the event? Registration is available online.
Help Provide Valet Bike Parking at Special Events
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC)
- Stanford University Cardinals vs. USC Trojans: Saturday, September 8, 3:45 - 9:45pm
- Stanford University Cardinals vs. UC Davis Aggies: Saturday, September 15, 9:15am - 3:15pm
Location: Stanford Stadium, 625 Nelson Rd, Stanford
The purpose of SVBC is to create a healthy community, environment, and economy through bicycling for people who live, work, or play in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. Valet bike parking is one of many ways that Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition encourages people to bike to public events. Volunteer responsibilities include accepting event attendees' bikes, placing them on bike racks, keeping a watchful eye during the event and then happily returning them to the attendees when they are ready to leave. Perks (such as snacks, free entry, or a meal) are usually provided for volunteers, depending on the event.
Ages: Families with children eight and older are welcome to participate. Volunteers age 13-18 may participate on their own with a signed waiver. If you will be volunteering with children, the expectation is that they can be independent and support the bike parking program without needing to be supervised the entire time. You will be working together but must be able to leave them unattended at times. If you are unsure if this is an age appropriate volunteer activity for your child, please do not hesitate to contact the Community Programs Manager.
Time Commitment: Approximately six hours
Contact: Kate Plant, Community Projects Coordinator at kate@bikesiliconvalley.org or 408.813.4485, or Membership and Outreach Coordinator, Jessica Waite at jessica@bikesiliconvalley.org.
Creek Clean Up Events - Notting Hill and Willow Glen Locations
South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition
Date/Time: Saturday, September 8, 9 - 11am
- Willow Glen, 833 Coe Avenue, San José
- Coyote Creek, 1200 Notting Hill Drive, San José
Grab your oldest clothes and shoes and come join us for a creek clean up. We have a mission to Reclaim, Restore and Revitalize our watershed. Many hands will make this work a lighter task. Volunteers are asked to arrive by 8:45 am for a safety presentation. We will be providing trash pick-up tools, trash bags, gloves. Please bring your own water container and we will be happy to fill and refill it! We ask everyone to wear heavy soled shoes, long pants, hat and sunscreen.
Ages: Families with children ages 7 and older are welcome to participate. Volunteers under age 15 must be accompanied by an adult. All volunteers must complete the waiver form required by the City of San José.
Time Commitment: Two hours
Contact: Carol Szymkiewicz, info@sbcleancreeks.com. To register, please click the link for the event you'd like to attend:
Coastal Cleanup Day 2018
California Coastal Commission
Date/Time: Saturday, September 15, 9 - 12pm
Location: Thousands of locations in California. See the online map for participating locations. On the third Saturday in September California cleans up! Be a part of over 1,000 inland and coastal cleanups all over the state. California Coastal Cleanup Day welcomes more than 60,000 volunteers who pick up hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash and recyclables from beaches, lakes, and waterways each year. This amazing day brings awareness to the marine litter problem and provides a community event for direct involvement. Help the Coastal Commission by joining in the fight to preserve wildlife by taking trash out of the environment. Plan to spend a day outside connecting with your community to celebrate California! Please click here to find out more about what to bring, what to wear, and what to expect at Coastal Cleanup Day. This event is part of the International Coastal Cleanup, organized by the Ocean Conservancy. California Coastal Cleanup Day is the largest volunteer event in the U.S., and International Coastal Cleanup Day is the largest volunteer event on the planet!
Ages: All ages are welcome. All volunteers must have a signed waiver. Volunteers under 18 must have a parent or guardian's signature as well.
Time Commitment: Approximately three hours
Bark in the Park 2018
Naglee Park Campus Community Neighborhood Association
- Volunteers Needed: Friday, September 14, 5 - 7:30pm or Saturday, September 15, 4:30 - 6:30pm
- Event Time: Saturday, September 15, 10am - 5pm
Location: William Street Park (Downtown San José), S. 16th Street and E. William Street, San José
The Campus Community Association, celebrating more than 35 years as a non-profit public benefit corporation, was organized to promote neighborhood spirit and improve the quality of life in the downtown community through education, awareness, group projects, volunteerism and community care. Bark in the Park™ is a fundraising event hosted by the Naglee Park neighborhood's Campus Community Association (CCA). All proceeds benefit local community organizations and pet-related charities including Humane Society Silicon Valley and San Jose Animal Care Center. Bark in the Park™ is the largest dog festival in the U.S. This event is free, open to all, with a suggested donation of $5 per adult. Dogs and kids under 12 are free! Low-cost vaccines and microchipping will be provided by Pet Awareness and Welfare Society (PAWS) for San José Animal Care and Services. Volunteers are needed to help with setup on Friday evening prior to the event and cleanup on Saturday evening after the event is over.
Ages: Volunteer opportunities are available to minors under 16, if they are accompanied by an adult. All ages are welcome to attend the event.
Time Commitment: Volunteer shifts are two hours.
Make a Friend
Lytton Gardens Senior Communities
Date/Time: Sunday September 16, 2 - 3:30pm
Location: 330 Everett Ave, Palo Alto
Lytton Gardens is a not-for-profit residential and health care facility serving the elderly of the Mid-Peninsula. This is the first HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) financed assisted living project in the US and sets a standard in accommodating the changing needs of lower income seniors. Lytton services over 550 seniors at any given time through their independent living apartments, licensed community care apartments and their Health Care Center. Join the residents at Lytton Gardens in a fun hour of Bingo, or other engaging activities to help cultivate an environment of independence and personal fulfillment for the residents.
Ages: Families with children ages 10 and older are welcome to participate. Volunteers under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: Two and one-half hours
Action Against Hunger - Family Food Sorting
Second Harvest Food Bank
Date/Time: Saturday, September 22, 9:30 - 11:30am
Location: Second Harvest Food Bank (Cypress Center), 4001 N. 1st Street, San José
Your family can be a part of fighting hunger in our community! September is Hunger Action Month, and Second Harvest Food Bank invites you and your family to a special Family Food Sorting volunteer opportunity. To ensure safety and sanitation standards are met, you must follow these dress code requirements: closed toe shoes, long pants, and no tank tops.
Time Commitment: Two hours
Contact: For additional questions, email Second Harvest Food Bank at volschedscc@shfb.org or call 408.266.8866 ext.150. Pre-registration for this event is required and is available online. https://www.shfb.org
Viva Calle SJ Open Streets 2018
City of San José's Department of Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services
Date/Time: Sunday, September 23, 8am - 4pm
Location: San José City Streets (See Map) Viva CalleSJ is back! The City of San José's Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services will be closing down miles of San Jose streets to bring communities together to walk, bike, skate, play, and explore the city like never before. This year the route will open 6 miles of San Jose's most iconic street, Monterey Road, for residents to enjoy car-free. VivaCalleSJ is inspired by similar Open Streets programs hosted in Los Angeles; San Francisco; Portland; Guadalajara, Mexico; and other cities around the world. The name combines the Spanish "Viva Calles," which can mean both "the streets live" and "long live the streets." VivaCalleSJ is managed by the City of San José's Department of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services, with outreach and engagement support provided by Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition. This event has been generously supported by Knight Foundation, which believes that democracy thrives when people and communities are informed and engaged. Volunteer opportunities include:
- Outreach Champion: Help us let residents know about the program. We go door to door, letting people know what is going on and how to get engaged. With six miles of open streets route to notify, we need lots of help!
- Hub Helper: Help set-up and manage a booth where you will pass out promotional and informational material to participants. Additionally, you will guide participants to the fun events going on at the different Activity Hubs happening along the route. Activity Hubs located along the route at this year's Viva CalleSJ include SoFA, Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, and Martial Cottle Park.
- Route Scout: Help preserve the safety of the event by patrolling the event on a bicycle, answering questions, giving directions, and helping inform participants about Viva CalleSJ road rules.
- Race Roadie: Help make the Run Viva CalleSJ 5K happen. Set up equipment, sign-in participants, and make sure everyone has a great day!
Ages: Volunteer opportunities are available to minors 15 and older. All ages are welcome to attend the event.
Time Commitment: Volunteer shifts are approximately four hours depending on the job.
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, Mollie Tobias, at mollie.tobias@sanjoseca.gov. Events Coordinator, Zacharias Mendez, at Zacharias.Mendez@sanjoseca.gov. Volunteer registration is available online. http://www.vivacallesj.org/
Canary Challenge 2018
The Canary Foundation
Date/Time: Saturday, September 29, various shifts available between 5:30am - 7pm
Location: Varian Medical Systems Inc., 3100 Hansen Way, Palo Alto
The Canary Challenge is a fully supported bike ride, offering a 5km walk/ride/run, 50km, 50-mile, 75km, and 100-mile rides. The rides cater to all levels of cycling strength - from children to fixed gear bikes and tandems, to time trial champions. All proceeds of the Canary Challenge benefit the Canary Foundation, the world's first nonprofit focused solely on early cancer detection. The Canary Foundation is based on a results-only business approach that focuses on cross-disciplinary collaborations and partnerships with renowned researchers, scientists and global institutions such as the Canary Center at Stanford and the Center of Excellence at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center -two centers that the Canary Foundation was instrumental in creating. Volunteers are needed! All volunteers will receive a T-shirt, food and beverages on the day of the event. The event usually gets 200+ volunteers who are able to assist with first-aid, check-in, greeting, cleanup and other tasks!
Ages: Teens ages 13 to 14 may volunteer with a parent. Teens 15 and older are welcome to volunteer on their own. All ages are welcome to attend the event.
Time Commitment: Varies
12th Annual Harvest Festival: Setup and Breakdown Volunteers
Big Wave Project
Date/Time: Saturday, October 6. Two shifts are available: 10 - noon and 4 - 6 pm. Please sign up early to volunteer!
Location: The Big Wave Farm, 335 Airport Street, Half Moon Bay The Big Wave Project is dedicated to creating an inclusive and interactive community of people and businesses to provide a purposeful and independent life for individuals with developmental disabilities through affordable housing, meaningful employment, and a supportive community. The Big Wave Farm was created to provide a place people to come learn about organic gardening, chicken care, and build community to support people with disabilities. Volunteers are needed to assist in setup and/or breakdown for the upcoming Annual Harvest Festival, a hallmark event at the Big Wave Project. It promises to be a fun-filled autumn celebration for the entire family, so you can volunteer AND join us for the festivities! Look forward to: pumpkin decorating, flower arranging, water balloon toss, pie-eating contest, an old-fashioned cake walk, silent auction, cork pull, live music, dancing and much more! You'll also have a chance to visit the chickens, check out the harvest, and purchase a perfect Halloween pumpkin from Big Wave Farm's bountiful pumpkin harvest.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate.
Time Commitment: Two hours
Contact: Email Christine Preziosi, farm@bigwaveproject.org.
Help Families and Children Facing Critical Illness
There With Care
Date/Time: Ongoing
Location(s): Choose a location that is convenient for your family.
- Palo Alto: Lucile Packard Children's Hospital or Ronald McDonald House
- San Francisco: UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital or the Family House
- Redwood City: There With Care warehouse/office
The mission of There With Care is to provide a wide range of thoughtful and fundamental services to children and families during the critical phase of a medical crisis. They serve families referred by medical agencies, by building a network of services and people who ease the burden of life's day-to-day obligations with compassion and care. You can participate by caring for families in various ways, including:
- Deliveries of food and care packages. (An adult must be the primary volunteer, but children are welcome to accompany them on deliveries. Completion of an online application, in-person training, and online background check is required.)
- Assisting with warehouse organization and inventory processes.
- Helping with community events.
- Working on administrative tasks and special projects.
- Creating Family Care Kits, hosting Team Bake Chop, Food Bank Shopping, coordinating a drive for needed items, and more.
- By request, a group project can be hosted at a location of your choice.
Ages: Children and youth of any age must be accompanied by an adult, and can participate in almost all volunteer experiences, including deliveries to families.
Time Commitment: Varies. Choose to volunteer one-time, multiple times, weekly or monthly.
Contact: Lorraine Michelle and Lisa Scheidecker at volunteer.bayarea@therewithcare.org or call 650.268.8555
Help Feed the Hungry
Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP Cares)
Date/Time: Wednesdays, 2:30 - 7pm
- Meal preparation starts at 2:30pm
- Meals served 5 - 6pm
- Cleanup from 6 - 7pm
Location: St. Francis of Assisi Church, 1425 Bay Road, East Palo Alto
Ecumenical Hunger Program (EHP Cares) partners with the local KIWANIS club to host a "Wednesday Night Meal" at the Saint Francis of Assisi Church. This FREE meal is an open-invitation to anyone in the community who needs a nourishing, hot meal. Volunteers are needed to help with meal preparation, meals service, and clean-up. EHP has served families in need in our community for over 43 years. They provide free emergency food, clothing, household essentials, furniture, support programs and referral services to individuals and families in need in the community.
Ages: Ages six and older are welcome with an adult present. Teens can volunteer with parental consent.
Time Commitment: Flexible. Volunteers may work the entire time or part of the time, as they are available.
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator, 650.323.7781, Ext. 3000. Advanced volunteer reservations to participate in this program are suggested, but not required. Volunteers may go directly to the church to offer their support. Send volunteer requests to: outreach@ehpcares.org www.ehpcares.org
Creating a Giving Box
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Flexible
Location: Your home and community Teach your children the importance of sharing money as well as time. Work together as a family to research causes and issues you care about, and then collect coins for the causes that matter the most to you. Create your own Giving Box to collect your family's charitable donations. When your box is full, decide together where the money will go. Visit Doing Good Together's Create your own Giving Box page for more ideas and resources.
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2018 Doing Good Together™