Citymeals on Wheels
Date/Time: Monday - Friday ongoing, 9am - noon
Location: Manhattan, Queens, or the Bronx
Ages: Families with children of all ages are welcome to participate. Volunteers under 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: Three hours
Citymeals on Wheels provides a continuous lifeline of nourishing meals and vital companionship to New York City's homebound elderly. Working in partnership with community-based organizations and senior centers, Citymeals prepares and delivers over 2 million weekend, holiday and emergency meals to more than 18,000 of our frail aged neighbors each year. Last year, more than 26,000 individuals volunteered over 90,000 hours of their time to Citymeals' mission. Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to homebound seniors' homes. Deliveries are done on foot or using your own vehicle.
Contact: Sheila Clay, sheila@citymeals.org, or Vivienne O'Neill, vivienne@citymeals.org
Citymeals on Wheels
Date/Time: Ongoing need
Location: Send your cards to: Liz Cantillo Citymeals on Wheels 309 Drake Street Bronx, NY 10474
Please list the number of cards on the outside of the envelope and write Handmade Card Project on the envelope. Inside the envelope, on a separate piece of paper, please write your full name, the name of your group, organization or company, and your email or mailing address so that we may thank you for your support.
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Citymeals works with student, community and corporate groups all over the city to craft handmade cards that brighten the days of isolated older New Yorkers. Each year, hundreds of students from local schools decorate cards for their homebound elderly neighbors to be delivered along with meals or food packages. Last year they created 76,106 cards. Please join us in reminding our frail aged neighbors they haven't been forgotten. Showing you care can be as simple as making a thoughtful card. Learn more here.
Thank the Frontline Banner Project
New York Says Thank You Foundation
Date/Time: Throughout the month of September
Location: From home
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Less than an hour
Stars of HOPE is the world's largest and fastest-growing healing arts program. Started by New York Says Thank You Foundation in 2007, Stars of HOPE empowers people of all ages to transform individuals and communities in need of hope through the power of art and messages of healing. Families can create paper stars or digital stars from home that will be brought together to create banners to thank the frontline workers. People can send or email us their star picture and we will create the banner for a local hospital, EMT, Firehouse. If someone has family members in a hospital, we would gladly send the banner to their location.
DOROT 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance Cardmaking Program
Date/Time: At your convenience
Location: Mail your completed cards with a DOROT Cardmaking form to: DOROT Attn: 9/11 Day of Service Cardmaking Program 171 West 85th Street New York, NY 10024
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
DOROT invites volunteers of all ages to join us in expressing gratitude and appreciation to our nation's veterans for their service. Even as we face an unprecedented health crisis, we can come together with other Americans to honor 9/11 and commemorate the tragedy through volunteer service. Make cards for veterans that offer reflection, thanks and heartfelt wishes for a better tomorrow. We welcome cards from across the country and from individual volunteers and community groups. Please make greeting cards using these guidelines: 9/11 Day of Service Cardmaking Guidelines.
Food Bank for New York City
Date/Time: Ongoing project
Location: Online activities
Ages: Everyone can participate - great for both kids and adults!
Time Commitment: Varies, volunteers can receive one hour of service for every three letters sent to our Community Kitchen and Pantry.
During this challenging time, a kind note can make a huge impact! While we cannot currently accept volunteer assistance on site at our Community Kitchen, we are continuing to distribute emergency pantry bags to New Yorkers in need, and we are seeking volunteers to write brief notes to show our neighbors that we care. Thousands of clients visit our network of sites each week, so every note helps and the need is ongoing! Send one, or send a group mailed together! Since this program launched at the end of April, we have been grateful to receive over 2000 letters from volunteers across the country! We want to ensure every client can leave our Community Kitchen & Pantry with a personalized note during this difficult time, and we need more volunteer support to help make that happen! Write a brief note today to show a fellow New Yorker you care. See our online toolkit for details on how to get started. Looking for more ways to make a difference? Check out the Food Bank's "Spread Love: A Kids + Teens Guide to Supporting Food Bank's COVID-19 Response."
Contact: Volunteer Engagement Team, volunteer@foodbanknyc.org foodbanknyc.org
Repair the World
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 15, 11 - 11:40am
Location: Zoom link sent upon registration
Ages: Recommended for 3-7 year olds, younger and older siblings are welcome!
Time Commitment: Under an hour
It's back-to-school time, and we're excited to launch our at-home packaging projects with September school supply kits. Playdates with a Purpose includes facilitated play, service and learning around issues of equity, created especially for children age 3 - 7! Join us on Zoom to play, serve and learn. Generously made possible by PJ Library, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
Virtual Intergenerational Chess
Date/Time: Mondays, 4 - 5:30pm. Programs meets weekly from October 5 - December 14.
Location: Online. Virtual chess platform.
Ages: Middle school and high school students, grades 6 - 12.
Time Commitment: One and one-half hours per week DOROT is a nonprofit organization addressing the challenges of an aging population. We deliver our programs and services through intergenerational connections with volunteers of all ages. Strengthen your skills and make a friend across the chess board! DOROT's Intergenerational After School Chess program fosters a setting where wisdom and curiosity meet face-to-face, building mutually beneficial relationships in the process. This fall, join DOROT older adults once a week to play chess while also getting to know each other over a virtual platform. DOROT partners with Chess NYC to offer direct teaching by a chess master. Students must be familiar with the game of chess. Intergenerational Chess at DOROT is sponsored by the Targoff family and friends.
Contact: Read more information and fill out the application on our website, dorotusa.org/chess. An interview is required to participate in this program. Contact Quinn at qlockwood@dorotusa.org with questions. Applications for this program will open the week of September 7
Virtual Fall Teen Internship Program
Date/Time: Program runs from mid-October through the week of December 14. Applications open on the DOROT website the week of September 7.
Location: Virtually, over ZOOM and by telephone
Ages: High school students, grades 9 - 12.
Time Commitment: One afternoon per week, Monday - Thursday. Interns volunteer for one and one-half to two hours depending on the activity.
DOROT is a nonprofit organization addressing the challenges of an aging population. We deliver our programs and services through intergenerational connections with volunteers of all ages. Teen interns will choose one of the following options:
Friendly Visits Visit with a DOROT elder once each week via zoom or telephone with a Teen Intern partner, and make a difference in their lives and yours. Bridge the generational gap through conversations, exploration of common interests and companionship. Interns can also play chess during friendly visits with older adults. There is a group orientation on the first day. Choose one afternoon per week: Mondays - Thursdays, 4 - 5:30pm
- Monday visit start date: October 19
- Tuesday visit start date: October 13
- Wednesday visit start date: October 14
- Thursday visit start date: October 15
Intergenerational Discussion Group A group of 10 teen interns will plan, lead and participate in a weekly, intergenerational discussion group via zoom with older adults on topical issues. Bridge the gap between the generations through open conversation that engages all involved. Thursdays, 4:30 - 6:30pm Discussion group start date: Thursday, October 8, teen orientation. First session with older adults is Thursday October 15.
Intergenerational Art with Nancy Katz Join a group of 10 teen interns and 10 older adults for an exploration through art of our current times. Get to know one another while working with mixed media - paper, wood and color. All art supplies will be provided by mail. No previous art experience required. Participants will work together online. Wednesdays, 4:45pm - 6pm Art program start date: Wednesday, October 14, teen orientation. First session with older adults is Wednesday, October 21.
Contact: Read more information and fill out the application on our website, dorotusa.org/fallteenapp. A zoom group interview is required. Contact Quinn at qlockwood@dorotusa.org with questions. Applications for this program will open the week of September 7.
Project Linus
Date/Time: Make blankets on your own at any time
Location: Click here to find a chapter near you
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Project Linus provides comfort to children who are sick, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gift of a handmade blanket. Our blankets are lovingly made by adults and children from all walks of life, working individually or as a family or group. No previous craft experience is required. Click here to learn how to make no-sew fleece blankets. The need for blankets continues and in fact may be greater now than ever before. However dropping blankets off at blanket drop-off sites has become more of a challenge as some stores and locations may have temporarily closed. Others that remain open may have temporarily removed our drop off bins due to COVID-19 concerns. In addition, some locations such as shelters and hospitals for which we supply blankets have placed restrictions on what our chapter coordinators can distribute to them. Please contact your local chapter coordinator to see what specific blanket needs they have before you make your blankets. Be sure to ask if they are accepting blanket donations now and if so, where they should be dropped off.
- All blankets must be new, handmade, washable, and smoke-free
- Materials used (fleece, fabric, yarn, etc.) should be new and odor-free.
- All colors and patterns suitable for children are fine.
- We accept tied fleece blankets, knitted and crocheted afghans, quilts, tied comforters, sewn receiving blankets, and any other kind of handmade blanket.
- Please keep materials and blankets away from pets!
- The best sizes for blankets are between 30" x 30" and 40" x 60" but we accept any blanket in sizes suitable for infants through teenagers.
Youth Service America
#DoGoodFromHome Challenge
and 9/11 Day At Home
YSA has partnered with Design for Change and Hasbro to call on kids and teens to use their compassion and creativity to do acts of good from home. For every kind act shared through the #DoGoodFromHome Challenge, Hasbro will donate up to 25,000 toys and games to organizations providing care to the children of COVID-19 essential workers.
Check out daily activities that you can do from the safety of your home. Download this toolkit with easy instructions, podcasts and activities for your students and children. Engage kids in learning more about COVID-19 and challenge them to be changemakers in their community.
Take a picture or video, share it on social media using #DoGoodFromHome and challenge others!
YSA is also proud to partner with the 9/11 Day organization to launch 9/11 Day At Home, a nationwide day of virtual volunteering, planned for the upcoming September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. We encourage you and your school or organization to participate. Request a free toolkit now at 911DayAtHome.org.
This innovative initiative will provide a wide range of safe and relatively easy "good deeds" that your staff, constituencies, and supporters can do from home for #911Day. More than 30 nonprofits that have joined with us and 9/11 Day to help us build this amazing good deed list (to be unveiled at 911day.org on Sept 11) including our fellow national program leaders, World Central Kitchen, Points of Light, United Way, and the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Now more than ever we need this moment to remember the importance of unity, and inspire Americans to dedicate time to helping those most in need. That's how we all keep the promise to #NeverForget.
EXPLORE our growing list of at-home projects you can do whenever you're ready, each with conversation starters, book ideas, and more! Follow along on social media as other families tackle this month's projects and share their stories! Simply join our Facebook group or find us on Instagram (@doinggoodtogether and #sharekindness)
Share simple kindness tips with families in your school, faith group or organization.
Let's encourage more kindness in the world with free kindness and service ideas! Does your organization have a newsletter or website geared to families? Our new set of Service and Smiles kindness tips (one for each week of the school year) can provide an uplifting opportunity for social-emotional development during times of hybrid and distance-learning.
You'll find service projects, kindness cues, and other simple ideas that teach children about giving, caring, and compassion - and how to take action - right from their own homes. It's free - just acknowledge Doing Good Together as the source! To sign up, visit our Service and Smiles web page.
If you received this email from someone else and would like to subscribe, please click here.
This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2020 Doing Good Together™