
July 2018 - Boston
Friends & Family Community Service Day
BINA Farm Center (BINA)
Date/Time: Sunday, July 8, 3 - 5pm
Location: 55 Allen Street, Lexington BINA Farm Center brings together individuals with and without special needs by offering a variety of inclusive enrichment programs that help them to both thrive personally and make their best contribution towards the communities in which they live. BINA provides a comprehensive therapeutic and recreational environment utilizing Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies, Vocational Training Programs and Creative and Complementary Therapies for children and some Summer Cleaning at BINA Farm Center! The chores around a working therapeutic riding center are endless. We count on volunteers to help us with the day to day care and keeping of our herd of wonderful horses, as well as all of the chores that come with keeping up the property. Projects will include weeding, planting, raking, pruning, and more! Grab your work gloves, rakes and shovels and come on out to BINA Farm Center!
Ages: Families with children of all ages are welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Two hours
Contact: RSVP to Nicole@binafarm.org with the names and ages of the people in your group.
Operation Crop Mob!
Waltham Fields Community Farm
Date/Time: Saturday, July 14, 9am - noon
Location: 240 Beaver Street, Waltham
Come on out and help us weed the fields! No experience necessary, we will teach you. We are out in a working farm field so children must understand how to stay in the row, not step on the plants, etc. Please wear close-toed shoes and dress for the weather. Light refreshments will be served at the end of the morning.
Ages: All ages are welcome but children must remain supervised by parent.
Time Commitment: Up to three hours; come anytime between 9 and noon.
JF&CS Family Table Distribution
Jewish Family and Children's Service
Date/Time: Sunday, July 15 or Sunday, August 5, between two to three hours
- 9am: If interested, participate in setting up for the food distribution.
- 10:15-11:45am: Receive your assignment and pack and deliver groceries. You may arrive anytime during this time frame. You will receive a quick orientation and can then begin packing groceries for several families.
Location: 1430 Main Street, Waltham
Family Table provides healthy food on a monthly and emergency basis to individuals and families in need. Their mission is to end hunger in the Greater Boston Jewish community while serving people who need assistance, regardless of religious affiliation. Family Table fulfills its mission by providing Kosher food, creating a caring Jewish connection, and empowering people to make healthy eating a part of their daily lives. Family Table serves more than 100 towns across Greater Boston, the North Shore, and the South Area. Currently, Family Table is helping more than 500 families each month with groceries and connections to other services. Volunteers are needed to help with the following tasks:
- Setting up the pantry
- Packaging and delivering food orders to recipient families
Packing will take approximately 30 - 45 minutes. Your delivery location will not be more than 30 minutes from your hometown but not in your hometown for confidentiality reasons. The clients know that you are just dropping off the food and not visiting.
Ages: All ages are welcome and encouraged to volunteer when accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: One to three hours depending on the activity. Volunteers can arrive at 9am to help with setup.
Jimmy Fund Theatre Collections
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/The Jimmy Fund
Date/Time: Volunteers are needed Monday - Sunday, from now until July 28. Four-hour shifts are offered throughout the day from 12:30 - 10:30pm
Location: Select movie theaters throughout MA, RI, CT, NY, and OH.
The Jimmy Fund/Variety Children's Charities Theatre Collections Program is looking for local movie lovers with big hearts and a few spare hours to help raise money for cancer care and research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute this summer. Now in its 69th year, the program launched in 1949 and is the Jimmy Fund's oldest annual fundraising effort. Since its inception, the program has raised more than $30 million. Volunteers are needed to pass collection canisters to guests in movie theatres following a brief Jimmy Fund trailer. All contributions go directly to the Jimmy Fund, which supports lifesaving adult and pediatric patient care and cancer research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Volunteers can earn exciting incentives from a volunteer t-shirt to complimentary National Amusements movie passes, to Blue Man Group or Boston Red Sox tickets (while supplies last)! Volunteer and learn more today!
Ages: All ages encouraged (if under 12, you must be accompanied by an adult)
Time Commitment: Four-hour shifts
Contact: Suzanne Crane, Suzanne_Crane@dfci.harvard.edu or 617.632.5344. Registration is available online.
New England Kids Triathlon
Kids Triathlon, Inc
Date/Time: Sunday, July 15. There are volunteer opportunities Friday, July 13 through Sunday, July 15. There is a pre-race packet pick-up and bike drop-off on Saturday from 4 -7pm. Race start times are Sunday between 7:30am and 10:15am depending on the age of the participants.
Location: M.I.T. Campus The New England Kids Triathlon is one of very few kids triathlons sanctioned by USATriathlon in New England during 2015, and it will be the largest kids triathlon ever held in the Northeast. Race distances are set by the USATriathlon and are designed to be challenging but achievable for kids. Ages 6 - 10 will swim 100 yards; bike 3 miles; and run 0.5 miles. Ages 11 - 15 will swim 200 yards; bike 6 miles; and run 1 mile. Triathlon is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world, and this event introduces kids to a healthy, positive lifestyle that encourages daily exercise, good nutrition and making the right choices. It is a sport that rewards preparation, strength, endurance, and attention to detail. We want to connect with kids who would not otherwise even dream about competing in a triathlon.
Ages: Children ages 6 - 15 can participate in the triathlon and teens 14 and older can volunteer.
Time Commitment: Depends on whether you are a race participant or volunteer.
JDRF One Walk Boston
Date/Time: Saturday September 29
Location: DCR Hatch Shell, Boston
Our JDRF One Walk weekends would not be possible without the support of our amazing volunteers. By being a JDRF One Walk Volunteer, you are not only helping ensure our Walkers have the best experience on Walk day, but you are also helping JDRF create a world without T1D! Below please find the volunteer sign-up form and a list of volunteer job descriptions. We ask that you register as a volunteer no later than one week prior to the Walk you are attending so JDRF staff can plan accordingly and ensure all areas are covered. JDRF staff will be in touch with you prior to event weekend with more details.
Ages: Children under 13 are more than welcome to volunteer with their parents at water stops and as route cheerleaders. Other volunteers must be at least 13 years of age and all volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Time Commitment: Varies by volunteer task.
Write Letters to a Soldier
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Flexible, at your convenience
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies |
As the crisis at the border floods the news, your children may have questions. You may feel helpless to respond. Our latest blog post can help you navigate this heartbreaking issue with your kids. As our blogger concludes, "Doing Good Together has always relied on two essential truths. In every crisis, there is something you can do to make a difference. And your family's actions, along with your empathy, will help shape the next generation of helpers and heroes."
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2018 Doing Good Together™