Family Service Fair Program
The past year of 2015-16 was one of exciting growth and expansion for the DGT™ Family Service Fair program. We had the opportunity to partner with several new schools, faith groups, social agencies, and businesses to introduce their communities to fun, family-friendly collective giving. We were also busy establishing partnerships with new social agencies, allowing us to support their critical work for people and animals in need through the power of family service.
DGT™ Family Service Fairs have a a positive impact on participants
Parents who attended DGT™ Family Service Fairs and completed post-event evaluations gave the event rave reviews: 94% felt that the event would have an impact on their family, while 72% felt that their family would start or increase their community engagement and/or family giving. Of the children surveyed, 78% claimed the event made them feel that they wanted to do more to help others. Overall, 98% of adults and children rated their DGT Family Service Fair experience as "Great."
DGT™ Family Service Fair Manual gives groups DIY hosting option
Our do-it-yourself DGT™ Family Service Fair manual continued to be a popular tool for school and faith groups wishing to bring the event to their community. The online toolkit features a host of documents and templates which make it easy for groups of all sizes and demographics to independently host their own DGT Family Service Fair and inspire their communities to establish a habit of giving.
DGT experiences growth through unique partnerships
In the summer of 2016 Doing Good Together organized a DGT™ Family Service Fair for the Minnehaha Mile shopping district community in south Minneapolis. The Minnehaha Mile businesses promote a lifestyle of material reuse and "upcycling." In this spirit, supplies for the service projects featured at the participating stores were all inspired by their excess inventory. One example: visitors created placemats for Meals on Wheels out of discarded wine corks!
“Our parents, students, and teachers were so inspired and energized by [our Family Service Fair] and want to know when we are going to do it again. As a PTA officer, I have never been thanked so many times and received so much positive feedback about a program as I have received about this one. This event really touches people.””