Start Here | DGT Family — Doing Good Together™

LIMITED OFFER: 30% off 12 kindness lesson plans with KIND30 promo code.

➡️ Inspire the next generation of leaders!

Start Here!

Welcome to the DGT Family! If you’re a new member just getting started with our DGT Family membership, try these activities first:

  1. Invite your family to take the DGT Pledge or work together to create a Family Mission Statement.

  2. Browse this list of routines, and choose a new habit or two to fold into your day.

  3. Take the Read with Empathy Challenge or play Kindness Bingo (in your welcome kit).

  4. Watch your inbox for our Kindness on Your Calendar tips every Friday!

  5. Visit our Facebook group today to connect with like-minded families.

  6. Share your experiences with us on Instagram and in our Facebook Group. Be sure to mention @doinggoodtogether and use the #dgtmembership hashtag!

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The recommendations we offer are based solely on our mission to empower parents to raise children who care and contribute.