
October 2018 - New York City
Halloween Candy Buy-Back
Operation Gratitude
Date/Time: At your convenience, after Halloween. Candy should be donated prior to November 15.
Location: Check Halloween Candy Buy Back website for buy back locations. Plan ahead for all of that "leftover" Halloween candy! On November 1st, the piles of left-over Halloween candy may be overwhelming. You can allow your children to keep a few favorites, and consider donating the rest to a very good cause. Through the Halloween Candy Buy-Back program, local dentists promise to "buy back" leftover Halloween candy with prizes, toothbrushes, coupons, etc. The candy is donated to Operation Gratitude, a non-profit that sends over 100,000 care packages annually to service members stationed in hostile regions, to their children left behind, and to Veterans. Their mission is simple: to put a smile on soldiers' faces and to show the appreciation and support of the American people. If you cannot find a local dentist who is participating in the Halloween Buy-Back program, Operation Gratitude will accept donations of unopened packages directly. Their website provides important packaging and shipping information. Consider asking your children to write a letter or draw a picture to include with your donation, as Operation Gratitude strives to include these personal notes in every care package they send.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Host a Birthday Party for Kids
- Thursday, October 11, 6:15 - 8pm
- Thursday, October 25, 4:30 - 6:30pm
- October 11, Henry Street Settlement, 130 Baruch Place, New York City
- October 25, Homes for the Homeless, 730 Kelly Street, Bronx
The Celebrate U Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to spread happiness by throwing birthday parties for children in shelters or who can't afford to celebrate their birthday in the New York City area. The effect of these celebrations goes way beyond cake and party favors. Celebrate U believes that by showing children that their community truly cares about them, it can raise self-esteem, provide hope for a brighter future and empower children. Early education is essential, but so is building a child's self-esteem, giving them hope for a bright future and knowing society cares about them. And every child deserves a birthday party. A short training session will take place for new volunteers one week prior to each event.
Ages: Fifth grade and up Time Commitment: Two hours
Contact: Alisonkauder@gmail.com |
Lunch Program
Manhattan Church of Christ Community of Hope
Date/Time: Saturdays, October 13, 27 and 30, 10am - 2pm
Location: Manhattan Church Community of Hope, 48 East 80th Street between Park and Madison
The Lunch Program provides hot meals to the homeless with dignity and compassion. Volunteer responsibilities include setting up, preparing and serving meals, breakdown and clean-up.
Ages: Children ages five and up are welcome with parents/guardians
Time Commitment: The full lunch program is four hours but volunteers are welcome any time during the day
Contact: carl@manhattanchurch.org www.manhattanchurch.org
Garden Volunteer Sessions
Concrete Safaris
Date/Time: Saturday, October 13 and 27, 10am - 1pm
- October 13: Meet at Mad Fun Farm (98th Street and Third Avenue) just south of the flag pole in the gated gardens.
- October 27: Meet at Jefferson Gardens (300 East 115th Street) just east of Second Avenue. Gardens span from 113-115 between 2nd and 1st avenues.
Join Concrete Safaris for our Garden Volunteer Session to spruce up our gardens! We will be doing a variety of garden maintenance activities that include repairing raised beds, shoveling topsoil, planting herbs, vegetables, fruits, and flowers, spreading mulch, picking up trash, weeding, and more. Dress in layers and bring a water bottle. Activities vary. Rain or Shine. Wear outdoor clothes that you are willing to get dirty.
Ages: Families are welcome to volunteer. An adult must accompany children under 18.
Time Commitment: Three hours
Homework Helper
MS54 - Booker T Washington Middle School
Date/Time: One day per week for 11 weeks, 3:00 - 4:30pm
Location: Booker T. Washington Middle School, 108th Street and Columbus Avenue
Volunteer as a homework coach at MS54 to pass your study skills on to the next generation. You will coach a small team of 6th graders, helping with homework while teaching them how to stick with hard questions, organize their time, and support one another. Expert teachers will supervise and train you as you prepare your team for a lifetime of success.
Ages: High School students are welcome to apply
Time Commitment: Ninety minutes each week for 11 weeks
Help Seniors Age with Dignity at the New Jewish Home
UJA-Federation of New York/Time for Good
Date/Time: Register on the Time For Good webpage, and the New Jewish Home will help you find the best fit among a variety of opportunities.
Location: The New Jewish Home in Harlem, 120 West 106th Street The New Jewish Home is a nonprofit that provides care for the evolving needs of New Yorkers as they age, from the very frailest to those who just need a little extra help in managing chronic conditions at home. Some areas where volunteers can help are with: - Friendly Visiting
- Therapeutic Recreation
- Pet Therapy Visiting (if you have a certified therapy animal, you are welcome to bring it for friendly visiting)
- Religious Life
- Library Assistance
- Group Instruction
- Technology Assistance
- Music
All volunteers must complete a volunteer application online.
Ages: All ages are welcome to participate.
Time Commitment: There are both flexible and ongoing opportunities available.
New York Cares Day for Schools
New York Cares
Date/Time: Saturday, October 20, 10am - 2pm. Registration begins at 9:30am.
Location: Multiple locations all over the city. Volunteers work in schools from the Bronx to Staten Island and everywhere in between. As a Cares Day team, you will be able to select your school preference. New York Cares aims to work with as many high-needs schools as possible, so consider exploring boroughs where the volunteer need is the greatest.
Join NY Cares as a volunteer alongside thousands of New Yorkers in one of 35 high-need public schools across the five boroughs to brighten classrooms, hallways, and futures. Cares Day Teams pledge to revitalize a NYC school from the inside out, all while raising funds to power year-round education programming.
Time Commitment: Four hours
Contact: 212.228.5000, info@newyorkcares.org
Making Strides of Central Park
American Cancer Society
Date/Time: Sunday, October 14:
- Check-in: 7:30am
- Rolling Start: 8 - 11:15am
Location: Central Park 72nd Street Bandshell, East 72nd St and 5th Ave, Manhattan
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every family has been touched by cancer in some way, and many have been touched by breast cancer. Teach your kids about the importance of fundraising for cures and to support programs, and enjoy a fun day of walking in the park. We all walk together, but the event is not a race. Stop whenever you want or need to. You absolutely do not need to complete the entire walk if you are unable. The walk concludes when the final walker crosses the finish line. Our walk is 4 miles and it starts at the 72nd Street Bandshell area. The walk will head up East Drive within Central Park until 102nd Street. We head back down to 72nd Street on West Drive. The walk takes place within Central Park and the route is friendly for strollers, walkers, canes, etc.
Ages: The walk is family-friendly
Time Commitment: Varies
Donate Used Halloween Costumes
Halloween Helpers
Date/Time: Collections should take place in October. Contact Halloween Helpers for further details.
Location: Check their website for collection sites Halloween can be one of the most important events in a young child's life. It provides lifelong memories, develops self-worth, and allows kids to play an active role in their community. Unfortunately, many children are unable to participate in this fun, annual experience because they do not have a costume. Developed in 2008 by then 11-year-old Emma Rose Shapiro, the mission of The Halloween Helpers is to collect previously enjoyed, gently-used Halloween costumes and donate them to children in need. Visit the Halloween Helpers website for downloadable forms, handouts, and signage to begin your collection drive.
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Decorate Lunch Bags for Meals on Wheels
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Anytime
Location: Check the national Meals on Wheels site to find your local program Meals on Wheels operates in virtually every community in America through a network of more than 5,000 independently-run local programs. With the help of Meals on Wheels programs, seniors and people with disabilities get the nourishment and human connection needed to support daily activities, while reducing the need for medical support. For some recipients, these daily meals are the difference between living in their own homes and moving to a nursing home. Think of how fun it would be for Meals on Wheels recipients in your community to receive their meals in brightly decorated lunch bags! Visit Doing Good Together's Decorate Lunch Bags Project page for more ideas and resources.
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies Contact: mail@doinggoodtogether.org |
Let's raise big-hearted Upstanders!
When it comes to bullying, we can make a difference with a creative approach that helps parents discuss the issue and helps kids strategize ways to deal with sticky situations. DGT's newest offering of Big-Hearted EBooks includes an Anti-Bullying Ebook which helps parents raise Upstanders who not only resist the urge to bully others, they also speak up for themselves and others. Each downloadable ebook includes conversation starters, an Upstander Family Plan, and a unique 12-week kindness challenge. Just $4.99 or free for families in our Membership Circle.
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2018 Doing Good Together™