
October 2018 - Boston
JF&CS Family Table Distribution
Jewish Family and Children's Service
Date/Time: Sunday, October 21 or Sunday, November 18, between two to three hours
- 9am: If interested, participate in setting up for the food distribution.
- 10:15-11:45am: Receive your assignment and pack and deliver groceries. You may arrive anytime during this time frame.
First time volunteers should plan on arriving at 10am to attend a 30-minute introductory session and orientation.
Location: 1430 Main Street, Waltham
Family Table provides healthy food on a monthly and emergency basis to individuals and families in need. Their mission is to end hunger in the Greater Boston Jewish community while serving people who need assistance, regardless of religious affiliation. Family Table fulfills its mission by providing Kosher food, creating a caring Jewish connection, and empowering people to make healthy eating a part of their daily lives. Family Table serves more than 100 towns across Greater Boston, the North Shore, and the South Area. Currently, Family Table is helping more than 500 families each month with groceries and connections to other services. Volunteers are needed to help with the following tasks:
- Setting up the pantry
- Packaging and delivering food orders to recipient families
Packing will take approximately 30 - 45 minutes. Your delivery location will not be more than 30 minutes from your hometown but not in your hometown for confidentiality reasons. The clients know that you are just dropping off the food and not visiting.
Ages: All ages are welcome and encouraged to volunteer when accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: One to three hours depending on the activity. Volunteers can arrive at 9am to help with setup.
Boston Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes
American Diabetes Association
Date/Time: Sunday, October 21, 5:30am - 2pm
Location: Boston Common, 139 Tremont St, Boston
This is the American Diabetes Association's largest fundraising walk in New England. The money raised from this event goes towards the American Diabetes Association's mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. In order to run this event, the American Diabetes Association needs volunteers to ensure a smooth day of event experience for the participants. Roles vary, including set-up, clean up, greeting, registration, cheering, rest stop, helping at tents, and more. There is something for everyone!
Ages: All ages are welcome to volunteer
Time Commitment: Varies, between 6am and 1pm as needed, dependent on volunteer role
Contact: Rachel Gibbons, rgibbons@diabetes.org or 617.482.4580 ext. 3459. Volunteer registration is available online.
Operation Sock Drop
Friends of Boston's Homeless
Date/Time: Anytime (we need socks all year round)
Location: Drop off donations at the 112 Southampton Street Shelter right in the South End. Please contact John Comaschi, in-kind donations coordinator at 617.947.6852. Just let John know when you'd like to drop off your donations and he or someone from the shelter will meet you and unload your car so you don't have to park. Fresh, clean socks (and underwear!) are vital for people's health, warmth, comfort, and dignity and the least donated item to people in greatest need. The shelters we support give out over 8,000 pairs of socks each year. By participating in Operation Sock Drop you not only help keep our community's neediest, most vulnerable citizens safe, warm, and healthy, but you'll them help maintain their dignity and comfort during this most difficult time in their lives. Friends of Boston's Homeless supports the Woods Mullen Women's Shelter and the 112 Southampton Men's Shelter in the South End. These shelters serve over 800 homeless individuals every day. To get started, just download this flyer and share with everyone you'd like to participate .
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Mariann Bucina Roca, mariannbucina@fobh.org www.fobh.org
Make Housewarming Baskets for Newly Housed People
Friends of Boston's Homeless
Date/Time: Anytime (we're helping 150 people/yr. move beyond homelessness into their own safe, dignified housing)
Location: Drop off donations at the 112 Southampton Street Shelter right in the South End. Please contact John Comaschi, in-kind donations coordinator at 617.947.6852. Just let John know when you'd like to drop off your donations and he or someone from the shelter will meet you and unload your car so you don't have to park. You and your family can help people who've spent years living on our streets and in shelters feel warmth and excitement as they move into their new place and get started on their new lives by providing the essential items we all need to make our house a home. By assembling and donating Housewarming Baskets, you'll be an important part of welcoming people into their new homes where they'll find the stability and serenity they need to begin their journey to hopeful, peaceful futures. It's as simple as assembling new (not used) items like cleaning supplies, dish soap, laundry detergent, toilet paper, a set of sheets or towels, in a basket to be given as a housewarming gift to someone about to move into a place of their own- many for the first time in their lives.
And please include a welcome note, it means a lot to the person who receives it.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Mariann Bucina Roca, mariannbucina@fobh.org www.fobh.org
Help Collect Hygiene Essentials
Hope and Comfort
Date/Time: Please contact Pat Flaherty at pflaherty@hopeandcomfort.org to arrange a time to drop off items.
Location: Hope and Comfort Warehouse, 1238 Chestnut Street, Newton Items may also be mailed to: Hope and Comfort
P.O. Box 241
Newton Upper Falls, MA 02464
Hope and Comfort's mission is to provide essential hygiene products to support and improve the health, self-esteem, and hygiene education of school-aged children and young adults in need within Greater Boston. Here are a few ways that your family can help:
Community Toiletry Drives Run a community toiletry drive to collect everyday hygiene essentials like shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste to make sure youth have basic items they need to stay clean and feel empowered. Drives can be done just about anywhere - at your school, in your neighborhood, at your place of worship, or even at a local business. Well-Wish Cards for Kids Spread smiles by sharing your art and words of encouragement! Cards you make will be distributed alongside Hope and Comfort's basic hygiene kits, which go out to young people in need. Small cards can be made on a half-sheet or folded sheet of construction paper; get as creative as you'd like! Each card should feature a drawing and/or a quick positive message. Hope and Comfort Birthday Party Make your next birthday party even more special - for both you and someone in need! Have a Hope and Comfort birthday party by asking friends and relatives to bring new hygiene items to your party instead of (or along with!) presents. Those gifts will in turn be used to create basic hygiene kits for youth who can't otherwise afford basic essentials such as soap, deodorant, and toothpaste.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Pat Flaherty, pflaherty@hopeandcomfort.org for more information and for materials to help you get started with any of these projects. www.hopeandcomfort.org
Food Rescue Volunteers Needed
Rescuing Leftover Cuisine, Inc.
Date/Time: Varies
Location: Throughout Massachusetts Rescuing Leftover Cuisine provides a volunteer platform to bridge the gap between surplus prepared food from businesses and local shelters and soup kitchens who give this food to those in need. Learn more by reading our Volunteer FAQ's. SIGN UP INSTRUCTIONS:- Visit: www.rescuingleftovercuisine.org/users/sign_up
- Visit our Events Calendar to view Volunteer Opportunities in Boston, MA. Sign up for events that fit your schedule.
Ages: Whether you're 9 or 99, travel by 4 wheels, 2 wheels or 2 feet, you can volunteer! An adult must accompany children under age 14.
Time Commitment: An average event rescues 50 pounds of food, accommodates 40 meals, and takes 30-60 minutes
Decorate Lunch Bags for Meals on Wheels
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Anytime
Location: Check the national Meals on Wheels site to find your local program Meals on Wheels operates in virtually every community in America through a network of more than 5,000 independently-run local programs. With the help of Meals on Wheels programs, seniors and people with disabilities get the nourishment and human connection needed to support daily activities, while reducing the need for medical support. For some recipients, these daily meals are the difference between living in their own homes and moving to a nursing home. Think of how fun it would be for Meals on Wheels recipients in your community to receive their meals in brightly decorated lunch bags! Visit Doing Good Together's Decorate Lunch Bags Project page for more ideas and resources.
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies Contact: mail@doinggoodtogether.org |
Let's raise big-hearted Upstanders!
When it comes to bullying, we can make a difference with a creative approach that helps parents discuss the issue and helps kids strategize ways to deal with sticky situations. DGT's newest offering of Big-Hearted EBooks includes an Anti-Bullying Ebook which helps parents raise Upstanders who not only resist the urge to bully others, they also speak up for themselves and others. Each downloadable ebook includes conversation starters, an Upstander Family Plan, and a unique 12-week kindness challenge. Just $4.99 or free for families in our Membership Circle.
If you received this email from someone else and would like to subscribe, please click here.
This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2018 Doing Good Together™