
September 2018 - Boston
Boston Heart Walk
American Heart Association
Date/Time: Saturday, September 8, shifts available 6:30am - 2:30pm. Please register here to select your shift. Check in is at the Volunteer Tent, located to the left of the stage near the start line.
Location: Boston Hatch Shell, 47 David G. Mugar Way, Boston. Please note - there is no onsite parking available. Volunteers are encouraged to use public transportation the day of the event. Check out Bostonheartwalk.org for nearby parking garages and transportation information. The Boston Heart Walk is the American Heart Association's premier event in the Greater Boston Area, bringing together 8,000 people from the community each year. The event raises money to fund cardiovascular research and education, advocate for health, and save lives. Your enthusiasm and dedication help make our events fantastic and we would love to have you volunteer with us! Volunteer opportunities include directing walkers, manning water stops, working the healthy snacks tent, overseeing our heart obstacle course, and a variety of other tasks! Tasks begin at 6:30am with set-up and conclude around 2:30pm with breakdown. Your task will be assigned to you upon arrival to the event. All volunteers will receive a free t-shirt!
Ages: All ages are welcome to volunteer. Anyone under 18 will need a parent/guardian to sign a waiver.
Time Commitment: Please register here to select your shift. Please come for any amount of time that you are able to contribute. Any time is appreciated!
September Service Days
Hale Reservation
Date/Time: Saturday, September 8 and Saturday, September 22, 8:45am - noon
Location: 80 Carby Street, Westwood
Hale offers educational and recreational opportunities that develop self-confidence, inspire passion for learning, and encourage appreciation for the natural environment. Lend a hand in maintaining the trails and property you know and love! We'll begin long-term trail work in the Oak Ridge area south of Dover Road. Other projects may include fall landscaping and preparing facilities for winter. No tools or special skills are needed. Volunteer coordinators will provide equipment, training, and supervision. More details about meeting location, etc. will be provided upon registration.
Ages: Families with children ages eight and older are welcome to volunteer. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Time Commitment: Three hours
9/11 Remembrance Service Day in Lowell
The Mission Continues
Date/Time: Saturday, September 15, 10am - 2pm
Location: Mill City Grows - Big Farm, Lowell
On Saturday, September 15th, join veterans and community volunteers as we report for duty in tribute to the 17th anniversary of 9/11/01. For this year's National Day of Service, our Massachusetts service platoons will partner with Mill City Grows to support urban farming efforts at the Big Farm in Lowell. Volunteers are needed to help with preparing the farm for ongoing harvesting, planting orchard trees and pollinator flowers, landscaping, weeding, and more. This is a family-friendly event, and we will have music, snacks, and an afternoon lunch for all participants. Come out and make a difference with us in Lowell!
Ages: Families with children of all ages are welcome to volunteer
Time Commitment: Four hours
Contact: Vanessa Whittington, vwhittington@missioncontinues.org, 706.951.5937. Registration is required and is available online.
Playmats Family Volunteer Opportunity
Room to Grow
Date/Time: Saturday, September 22, 10am - noon
Location: 142 Berkeley St, Boston
Room to Grow provides parents raising babies in poverty with one-to-one parenting support and essential baby items throughout their children's critical first three years of life. Parents receive developmental information, customized support, and all of the needed baby items to ensure a healthy and secure start for their child. You and your family can help make a difference in the lives of babies being raised in poverty by crafting playmats for Room to Grow clients.
Ages: Families with children ages eight and older are welcome to volunteer. A parent must accompany all children.
Time Commitment: Two hours
Contact: infoboston@roomtogrow.org. Registration is available online. Space is limited.
Ride for Food Public Safety Volunteers
Three Squares New England
Date/Time: Sunday, September 23, two to three-hour shifts between the hours of 7:30am and 12:30pm as Public Safety Volunteers to direct cyclists in the right direction.
Location: Towns on the route include Dedham, Needham, Dover, Sherborn, Millis, Medway, Holliston, Westwood and Norfolk. Specific times and locations will be provided at a later date (after police have confirmed their details).
The mission of Three Squares New England (TSNE) is to eliminate food insecurity through building out the capacity of local area hunger relief organizations by assisting with fundraising, visibility and community engagement. TSNE organizes an annual charity bike ride, the Ride for Food, to raise money for local food pantries, kitchens, community farms and food rescue organizations. Volunteer teams of two volunteers are needed to hold signs at "confusing" intersections along the 10, 25 and 50-mile routes. Click here for route maps. These Public Safety volunteers hold bright yellow arrows to point cyclists in the right direction. All routes are well marked with arrows on the road; however, we have found that cyclists still get confused at certain intersections.
Ages: Youth ages 12 and older can participate with a parent or guardian.
Time Commitment: Two to three hours
2018 Walk to End Alzheimer's Greater Boston Walk
Alzheimer's Association
Date/Time: Sunday, September 23, 8am - 1pm; multiple shifts are available.
Location: DCR's North Point Park in Cambridge
The Greater Boston Walk will be held on September 23 at DCR's North Point Park in Cambridge. Families can volunteer in one of the following three areas:
- Children's Activities: Help with a variety of activities that may include, games, face painting, crafts, etc.
- Promise Garden: Help hand out color-coded Promise Garden flowers to Walk participants to personalize, and then display them during the pre-Walk ceremony.
- Water stops: Hand out water along the Walk route to participants and cheer them on.
Ages: Families with children ages eight and older are welcome to volunteer.
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Melissa Shirtcliff, 617.868.6718, mshirtcliff@alz.org. Register to volunteer by clicking on the purple "Volunteer" button on the Boston Walk page and following the prompts. Both Promise Garden and Water Stop are specific categories on the registration page. Children's Activities is not a category, but volunteers can indicate their preference for that area by filling in the comments section. www.alz.org/MANH
National Public Lands Day
Minute Man National Historical Park
Date/Time: Saturday, September 29, 9am - 3pm
Location: Minute Man National Historical Park, 174 Liberty St., Concord. Parking will be at the Monument Street lot (across from the Old Manse)
Enjoy the beauty of Minute Man National Historical Park while you volunteer at the North Bridge. The area around the bridge is a breathtakingly gorgeous slice of scenic splendor. We need your help to maintain this historically and naturally significant space. Activities will include raking trail sediment, seeding, clearing sediment from around the trail, erosion control, and general trail maintenance. Tools (including rakes, trowels, and shovels) will be provided. Work is appropriate for participants of all ages.
Ages: Everyone is welcome to participate.
Time Commitment: The event runs for six hours but participants don't need to stay for the whole time.
Creating a Giving Box
Doing Good Together
Date/Time: Flexible
Location: Your home and community Teach your children the importance of sharing money as well as time. Work together as a family to research causes and issues you care about, and then collect coins for the causes that matter the most to you. Create your own Giving Box to collect your family's charitable donations. When your box is full, decide together where the money will go. Visit Doing Good Together's Create your own Giving Box page for more ideas and resources.
Ages: Everyone can participate
Time Commitment: Varies
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This list was compiled by Doing Good Together™ (www.doinggoodtogether.org)
When calling to volunteer for any of the opportunities listed above, please let the coordinator know you found it through this listing. You are encouraged to ask any questions you may have of the sponsoring organization before committing to a project. Disclaimer: This list is provided as a service to families. Inclusion of organizations in this listing does not imply affiliation, endorsement or quality assurance on the part of Doing Good Together.™ Doing Good Together™ bears no responsibility whatsoever for the activities and actions of the listed organizations.
© 2018 Doing Good Together™