It's Time to Celebrate: DGT™ is empowering more families than ever!

Help us make the world kinder, family by family.

Here at Doing Good Together, we like to welcome spring with a celebration.

In fact, at our home base in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we'll be hosting our annual event this Thursday, April 20th, and we welcome any and all who can stop by!

The vibrant green blush of spring offers the perfect backdrop to celebrate our work.

Like spring, doing good adds joy to a gray world.

We know that teaching our children to care and contribute is more necessary now than ever before. 

In recent years, empathy has been falling at an alarming rate. According to a multi-decade study in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Review, measurable empathy dropped by 48 percent on college campuses. Meanwhile perspective-taking, or the inclination to imagine another's point of view, dropped by 34 percent.

Add to this trend the alarming compassion deficit in the public discourse and the rise in outspoken – even violent – intolerance.

Meanwhile kindness is often portrayed as saccharine, gullible, or even dumb in popular culture.

All of these trends have inspired the DGT™ team to work harder than ever, helping organizations host family service fairs, connecting families with unique volunteer opportunities, and creating fun activities and lessons to teach kindness.

This spring, we have much to celebrate.

After more than a dozen years empowering parents to raise caring kids, Doing Good Together is seeing more compassion than ever in the lives of the families we reach. All over the country, we're hearing from families excited by the impact our resources are having.

Parents and kids are talking about big-hearted ideas and learning together about challenging issues. They are making a difference in their communities. And they are building thoughtful, big-hearted activities into their everyday routines.

Check out these examples from just a few of the families we've been hearing from:

  • Nicole's formerly reluctant son has grown into an empowered helper.

  • Alissah, the daughter of a long-time, big-hearted family, chose to focus on kindness in her college-level psychology class. She created her own picture book, designed to inspire altruism, and created a unique bibliography of altruistic book titles. Watch for them in our Read Together section soon! 

  • Teri's family – in just a few days – will complete an Ironman dedicated to raising funds for Doing Good Together and our friends at Little Helping Hands. They have spent months engaging in creative kindness activities, along with training for their event. Follow their story at Project Becoming Our Best.

  • Lisa's family - relatively new to DGT - is excited to get started with after last week's blog post Calling All Citizen Scientists!

Love DGT™? Every donation makes an important difference!

Love DGT™? Every donation makes an important difference!

Every day, we are connecting with new families, hearing great stories from long-time members, and building partnerships with nonprofits and socially-conscious organizations. 

There has never been more interest, commitment, and momentum behind our mission to connect families with meaningful opportunities to make a difference and grow kind kids.

You can support our work
in one of three simple,
big-hearted ways

1) Share DGT™ with your friends!

Likes, shares, retweets, pins: these are the currency of the social media age. For a small nonprofit like ours, a little e-love goes a long way to help us reach more families with our mission to grow kind kids.

2) Join the Big-Hearted Families™ Membership Circle!

Live your values, stay on track with your kindness habits, and enjoy exclusive membership perks – all while supporting the mission of Doing Good Together™! For the low cost of just $24.99 per year, you can make a difference to your own family as well as impacting other families who enjoy the free resources DGT™ provides.

Check out these exclusive membership benefits!

3) Make a donation!

Our donors are critical to Doing Good Together’s efforts – providing the tools families need to live generously. Your tax-deductible contribution helps provide support and information to parents who want to inspire their kids to care, strengthen their families, and make a positive difference in their communities. And that translates into a better world for all of us! 

4) Bring us to your school or organization!

Host a Family Service Fair with us! In an approximately two-hour open house style event, a Doing Good Together™ Family Service Fair features a variety of opportunities for families and other interested participants to do simple and fun hands-on projects that benefit non-profit organizations. This is a great way to build community, spread the word about what we do, and meet direct needs in your community.

Help us celebrate spring! Make a donation or sign up for our Membership Circle today!

Looking for more? Check out these other great posts!

If you like our free resources, you'll love our membership program! Join today and we'll help you keep kindness on your family calendar all year long