The Magic of Mail — Doing Good Together™

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The Magic of Mail

Send kindness through the mail with these printables and easy-to-follow instructions. Your family kindness practice has never been easier.

My family loves to write and draw together. I suspect we're not alone!

It’s the perfect, quiet project for weekend mornings when the kids rise early or hot afternoons when we're lounging together. With some effort, I can ignore Mount Laundry and the Bermuda To-Do Triangle. I join my little ones around the kitchen table, or a picnic table, with snacks and songs and art supplies.

Nurturing the creative side in our kids is likely to create problems for even the most organized parent. Stacks of precious creations have been known to overpower the magnets on our refrigerator door and cascade across the kitchen floor.

That is, too many kid creations used to be a problem.

A couple of years ago, we instituted a family Mail Center. Now we put all of that crafty productivity to good use, spreading cheer and love and the occasional envelope-sized goody.

Check out our detailed instructions to set up your own  Magic Mail Center! Plus, print your own address cheat sheet to get started.

Whenever our art collection threatens to create an avalanche, we consult our address list. We ask ourselves who would love this best, and we think about our book friend, our grandpa in the nursing home, Color a Smile, a hospitalized kid, or a soldier.

It’s magic, every time.

It's magic to create together, magic as it leaves the house and we all feel as though we’ve accomplished something, and, we hope, a bit of magic in someone’s day, as the love and care we put into our package arrives in their hands. It's a simple, magical message: you are special.

Great instructions to set up a mail center at home and help your children send kindness through the mail!

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