Research shows that families who co-create mission statements and continually revisit their shared values feel more connection to one another and a sense of responsibility to others. It also aligns with the values of families who are Doing Good Together! Does this sound like something you and your family would like to try? Here are some tips to encourage you in writing a mission statement that reflects your family’s values and centers your efforts to identify and continually practice your family’s mission.
How to Have a Season of Presence
As the month turns, many of us find ourselves entering a time of year that is busy, busy, busy–with both regular daily and seasonal activities filling our calendars. Family pursuits such as athletics, the arts, and other skill-building pastimes intermingle with daily rituals of school, work, and keeping a household running smoothly. There are also many holidays observed around the world in the coming months and families add rituals surrounding these days to their already-full dockets. We get busier with the preparation of special meals shared with family and friends, the selection and giving of gifts, the travel plans that require time, and financial resources to bring families together. As a parent, I often find this season to be, well, A LOT. Here are some ideas for families looking to stay connected to presence/mindfulness in the busy months ahead.
Empathy and Perspective-Taking
At times, my now-teenagers had a great capacity to step into the shoes of another; but at other times, I felt that despite my best efforts, empathy was lacking. I also noticed that their empathy skills developed differently, despite having the same parents and upbringing. How did what came so young and so naturally for one child seem so challenging for another?
Navigating Difficult Conversations with Children
The last few years have pushed us to our limits as we watch our world become more and more polarized over conversations around gun laws, mental health, the pandemic, race, and a war that rages in Eastern Europe. It seems almost impossible to take a breath. I struggle with how much to share with my children, but I ultimately know that they need to hear the truth – in age appropriate ways – even when it breaks my heart to share it with them.
Here are my suggestions on having these challenging conversations along with some resources that have helped me – and might help you as well.
Grow Big Hearts with a Family Book Club!
Making time to read and wonder together offers a comforting oasis in an often chaotic world, for both children and parents. To make getting started easier for your family, we at Doing Good Together have added several bookish acts of service to our growing Pick-a-Project collection.
Share 31 Days of Hygge-Inspired Kindness
Compassion Fatigue? 5 Big-Hearted Strategies for Self-Care
Self-care may conjure visions of bubble baths and movie nights (two creature comforts I fully embrace), but there is lots of evidence that a few intentional wellness strategies can help us feel great even in the midst of chaos. These five strategies can help you cultivate your whole family’s sense of well-being.
Raise Kindness! How Can Your Busy Family Practice Compassion Every Day?
At Doing Good Together, we help families start and sustain an intentional “ kindness practice,” a powerful combination of daily habits, big-hearted conversations, great books, and volunteer experiences. Starting - and sustaining - an intentional kindness practice with your busy family is easier than you’d think. Here are the tools to get you started!
Our Storied History: Books for the Changemakers of Today and Tomorrow
Why So Serious? An Upstander's Guide to the Power of Laughter
Big-Hearted Projects to Build Strong Character
DGT offers this collection of character-building projects and kindness-themed activities to make it easier for your family to act with purpose, build strong character, and strengthen your communities. Everyday family moments set the tone for the sort of people our children will become, making family time the ideal jumping-off point for big-hearted, character-building acts of kindness. Choose your favorite and get started with our conversation starters and video suggestions!