Double Up on Health Benefits by Giving Back Outside — Doing Good Together™

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Double Up on Health Benefits by Giving Back Outside


Spring is here, and as a Minnesotan, this means I am eager to get my children outside for any activity possible. There are so many ways to intertwine your love for the outdoors with giving back to the community. And, since Earth Day is right around the corner, you can double up on the benefits of giving back and being in the outdoors Both being outside and giving back reduce stress, improve brain health and provide happiness and creativity! So get outside, and enjoy spring while helping your neighbors and the planet.

—MiaLisa Millares, Executive Director


Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt. Whether in your backyard or at a state park, this activity is fun to do and an opportunity to admire and enjoy the natural wonder all around you! Use DGT’s fun scavenger hunt checklist to keep kids engaged!

  • Clean Up Your Neighborhood. Are you looking for a family activity that is easy to do, has immediate results, and requires little to no planning? Take a walk through your neighborhood and pick up litter and trash! Caring for the place where we live teaches our children the importance of being stewards of the earth. By modeling this activity, your children can take pride in their neighborhood.

  • Every Day Can Be Earth Day. Earth Day (this year on Friday, April 22nd) is a chance to really focus on giving back to the planet in sustainable habit forming ways. The amazing part about connecting with nature is that it reduces your stress levels, gives you energy and a feeling of doing something meaningful for the planet. Teach your child environmental stewardship by making small changes in your everyday life. Remember that it doesn’t have to be Earth Day to celebrate our environment.

  • Advocate for Our Animal Friends. Are you an animal lover? Do your kids love to spend time with their pets? One easy to give back is by advocating for endangered animals and their environments. Animals are a part of our environment too and need people to be their voice

  • Assemble Seeds for the Butterflies. Butterflies are such a beautiful part of spring and summer. One way to ensure that they are around helping to pollinate plants is to create these amazing seed bombs. When they grow, they attract butterflies to the area. This easy-to-do, fun project will be one of your spring favorites!

  • Volunteer in Your Community. Check out DGT’s volunteer listings to see if there are any Earth-focused opportunities! Whether you are cleaning up the beach, helping on a farm, or getting rid of your digital waste by cleaning out your emails, your family can be a part of helping to heal the Earth.


Take some time with your children to think about the benefits that the Earth provides, and to talk about how your family can be part of helping our planet.

  • What are your favorite things to do outside?

  • How do you feel when you are in nature (a beach, the forest, a park)?

  • What are your favorite animals?

  • How are their needs supported by the Earth?

  • How are your needs supported by the Earth?

  • What do you know about the Earth’s climate?

  • What is our family’s carbon footprint?

  • Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” What do you think that means?

  • What is one thing we can do, together as a family to help the environment?


Embrace the spring season by reading this collection of picture books that inspire nature lovers.


“The Earth is what we all have in common.”
–Wendell Berry