Embracing the Last Days of Summer — Doing Good Together™

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Embracing the Last Days of Summer

Embracing the Last Days of Summer

It seems every year, that summer whirls by much faster than the school year. As you are creating your bucket list of things to do before summer is over, why not embrace the last days of summer by spreading kindness? Studies have shown that children are wired for kindness. And, we have learned that research shows that random acts of kindness are good for your health. While an instance of kindness can be powerful and even make you feel good, the real benefit of kindness comes from repeating acts of kindness over and again. Let’s help our children embrace the last days of summer with kind acts of service.

– MiaLisa Millares, Executive Director


Chalk Kindness. Summer gives us a chance to enjoy the outdoors more often with family members. Take the time to go on long walks. Bring a simple bucket of chalk with you so the kids can write kindness messages and spread ripples of kindness for those that walk the path next. Teach your kids that showing kindness can be as simple as bringing a smile to someone’s face.

Plant a Row. Too many people are facing food insecurities in the wake of Covid-19. By planting a row for the hungry, you accomplish two things. First, you are taking time to be outdoors and enjoying the benefits of longer days and more sunlight. Second, you can show your children how you have the opportunity to share your bounty!

Magic Mail Station. Create a Magic Mail station in your house with markers, crayons, printed sheets for coloring, addresses, and stamps. Show your kids how they can send their artwork can continue to spread kindness to someone who could use some cheer!

Host a Kindness Activity. Get inspiration from the Doing Good Together project page and host a kindness-themed birthday party or event. By allowing others to share in your desire to do good, you are able to spread even more kindness this summer!

Set up a Fundraiser. Set up a lemonade stand with your kids in your neighborhood! By holding a fundraiser, your kids will have an opportunity to work together to make a real difference. Further, they will have the chance to help decide which organization will benefit from their hard work.

Kindness Journal. Create a journal for your kids to record all of their kindness throughout the summer. For younger kids, take pictures of them working on their kindness activity. For older kids, have them write about their experiences. Your record will create a lovely memory book that they can look back on to revisit the kindness they have shared this summer!

Kitchen Table Kindness Kits. Are you looking for some fun printables to keep your kids active and thinking about kindness this summer?  Check out these Kitchen Table Kindness Kits updated for Spring/Summer 2022.


Take some time to have intentional conversations around kindness this summer by asking your children questions like these.

  • What does kindness mean to you?

  • How do you know if someone is feeling sad or upset?

  • How can you use kindness to turn someone’s day around?

  • Are you happy with how you treat other kids?

  • When someone is kind to you, how does it make you feel?

  • How can you show someone kindness through acts of service?


Check out this list of books that discuss simple acts of kindness and how they can help better the world. By keeping kindness at the forefront of our minds, discussions, and actions, we are able to create ripples of kindness in our community.


 “Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”

––Princess Diana