creativity — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

LIMITED OFFER: 30% off 12 kindness lesson plans with KIND30 promo code.

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Embracing the Last Days of Summer

As you are creating your bucket list of things to do before summer is over, why not embrace the last days of summer by spreading kindness? While an instance of kindness can be powerful and even make you feel good, the real benefit of kindness comes from repeating acts of kindness over and again. Let’s help our children embrace the last days of summer with kind acts of service.

Challenging Conversations in Difficult Times

The news is filled with stories of families fleeing Ukraine, and your children may be asking challenging questions about these heartbreaking situations. As a parent, I want to protect my children from great sadness and information they may not be ready for, but I also want them to learn empathy, kindness, generosity, and compassion for those in need.. Children who learn they can make a difference become adults who change the world for the better.

Sharing Love for the Common Good

The “common good” has been around since the time of Greek philosophers – the idea that if we all cooperate and work together, we can make the world a better place. And that is what you do so passionately with your children. You come together as a family and with friends, to make a difference in the world.

Celebrate Summer with Guerilla Kindness!

Celebrate this almost-back-to-normal summer by savoring our togetherness and bringing a little joy to others. Choose one of the simple projects below to have some creative fun, while contributing to a community culture of encouragement and compassion. You never know how far these simple ripples of kindness will travel.

The Magic of Music

Music can be magic: it can make us healthier and happier, reduce stress, and connect people across cultures. At home, music can not only calm and soothe children, it can also improve memory, increase academic skills, and encourage creativity. Plus, there’s evidence that regularly playing music together can increase empathy. Here’s how to use music to bring more joy, compassion, and hope into your family’s life and the lives of others.

In Praise of Boredom

At this point in the pandemic, boredom is inevitable. But researchers insist that occasional boredom is an opportunity we should embrace because it comes with important benefits: It sparks creativity, nurtures imagination and problem solving, and opens up much-needed opportunities for quiet and reflection.

Our Best of 2019: A Recap

As we look back, we're immensely grateful for our community of big-hearted families working to raise children who care for others. In this tumultuous time, take a moment to be proud of the many ways YOU are building a kinder, more just world. 

A Crisis of Imagination

The world needs imagination. From small, personal issues (how to respond when someone teases you) to humanity's greatest challenges (how to combat climate change), imagination can produce creative ways of solving life's problems. It's the foundation for all innovation and invention.