technology — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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Get Outside & Off of Screens!

Get Outside & Off of Screens!

Next time your child is begging to stay inside, take a moment to consider the benefits of spending some time in the great outdoors. It might just do them some good. Here are some ideas to get your family outside and immersed in nature this spring.

The Magic of Music

Music can be magic: it can make us healthier and happier, reduce stress, and connect people across cultures. At home, music can not only calm and soothe children, it can also improve memory, increase academic skills, and encourage creativity. Plus, there’s evidence that regularly playing music together can increase empathy. Here’s how to use music to bring more joy, compassion, and hope into your family’s life and the lives of others.

For Kinder Kids, Mind the Manners

For Kinder Kids, Mind the Manners

Emily Post, the queen of etiquette, famously said: "Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use." At their core, manners are simply about caring for others. Teaching good manners requires patience, persistence and practice, but it's worth the effort.


Using Technology to Boost Kindness

Spending time on "screens" is inevitable in modern life, but parents can help turn that time into a healthy pursuit. This month we offer ideas for using technology to enhance, rather than diminish, the growth of kindness.