nature — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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Get Outside & Off of Screens!

Get Outside & Off of Screens!

Next time your child is begging to stay inside, take a moment to consider the benefits of spending some time in the great outdoors. It might just do them some good. Here are some ideas to get your family outside and immersed in nature this spring.

The Power of Nature in These Days of Isolation

We know from research that even in the best of times, spending time in nature can decrease stress, sharpen attention, improve physical health (reducing blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension), decrease pain and increase immune function. During these stay-at-home days, nature can offer constancy, bring solace and inspire wonder and awe.

Build Empathy and More with Play

Play is a critical way to acquire knowledge, build imagination, enhance mental and physical health, and practice social skills. Just as important, research indicates that play can help children develop empathy and compassion.


5 Myths about Raising Happy Kids

All parents want their children to be happy. But too often we misdirect our energies as we try to ensure our children will lead blissful, fulfilled lives. Despite a spate of recent research, it's still not clear what "happiness" is, much less how to guarantee it for ourselves or our kids. Here's what you should and shouldn't do to raise a contented kid.


Cultivating Wonder and Awe in Our Children

Cultivating Wonder and Awe in Our Children

We all know that amazing sensation of feeling part of something much larger than ourselves, of being upended by the vastness of the night sky or the intensity of great music. Research indicates that experiencing these magical feelings also changes how we approach our lives. It can make us more satisfied, less self-involved, less likely to feel starved for time, more grateful and more likely to help others.