play — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

LIMITED OFFER: 30% off 12 kindness lesson plans with KIND30 promo code.

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The Crucial Role of Play in Child Development

The Crucial Role of Play in Child Development

Play is not merely a break from learning; it is an essential component of it. Children, with their boundless energy and curiosity, are intrinsically designed to learn through play. This approach to learning helps them with social-emotional development, problem-solving skills, and much more.

Spreading Kindness Through the Summer

Spreading Kindness Through the Summer

Summertime is a cherished season for kids and adults alike. For children, it is a time of less structure and more play. For adults, it is an opportunity to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. And for everyone, it is a chance to spread a little extra kindness. Whether you are picking up litter in your neighborhood or smiling at a stranger, small acts of kindness can make a big difference. So, this summer, take some time to enjoy the sunny days and show the world a little bit of love and happiness.

Get Outside & Off of Screens!

Get Outside & Off of Screens!

Next time your child is begging to stay inside, take a moment to consider the benefits of spending some time in the great outdoors. It might just do them some good. Here are some ideas to get your family outside and immersed in nature this spring.

Embracing the Last Days of Summer

As you are creating your bucket list of things to do before summer is over, why not embrace the last days of summer by spreading kindness? While an instance of kindness can be powerful and even make you feel good, the real benefit of kindness comes from repeating acts of kindness over and again. Let’s help our children embrace the last days of summer with kind acts of service.

SHOP KIND! Top Gifts That Promote Kindness

SHOP KIND! Top Gifts That Promote Kindness

Any parent would agree: The top lessons we can teach our kids include generosity, kindness and sharing. Now we have another way for you to share the joy of kindness with your children -- a collection of products that make "giving back" fun

You'll find ideas below and on our newly launched Shop Kind page.

Build Empathy and More with Play

Play is a critical way to acquire knowledge, build imagination, enhance mental and physical health, and practice social skills. Just as important, research indicates that play can help children develop empathy and compassion.


5 Myths about Raising Happy Kids

All parents want their children to be happy. But too often we misdirect our energies as we try to ensure our children will lead blissful, fulfilled lives. Despite a spate of recent research, it's still not clear what "happiness" is, much less how to guarantee it for ourselves or our kids. Here's what you should and shouldn't do to raise a contented kid.


Girl Power - Nurture an Undaunted Daughter

Girl Power - Nurture an Undaunted Daughter

Young girls are bombarded with media that undermines self-image and self-confidence. How do we balance raising an independent and assertive girl with one who is empathetic and kind? Here are my favorite tips for empowering your daughter to become a compassionate change maker.

Make It Fun for Kids to Give Back

Make It Fun for Kids to Give Back

Summer is for family and fun, but that doesn't mean that kindness and service need to take a holiday. These lazy days provide all sorts of opportunities to keep exercising that kindness muscle and remind little ones that there is great joy in giving. These eight activities will help you create a memorable, heart-filled summer.


Nurturing Compassion in Boys

Nurturing Compassion in Boys

Although all gender stereotypes are becoming less rigid, girls are given more flexibility than boys. The typically "feminine" traits of compassion and kindness are critical to the healthy development ofall our children. Here are ways to assure that your boys receive those essential lessons in empathy as they grow toward being caring, compassionate, charitable men.