parenting — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

LIMITED OFFER: 30% off 12 kindness lesson plans with KIND30 promo code.

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Boosting Family Kindness Reserves: The Transformative Power of Self-Care

Boosting Family Kindness Reserves: The Transformative Power of Self-Care

When parents practice self-care, they set a positive example for their children, showing them that taking care of oneself is vital for maintaining kindness and compassion toward others. When our own "cups" are full, it becomes easier to pour love and care into others. Self-care helps in reducing stress, improving mental health, and increasing overall happiness.

The Crucial Role of Play in Child Development

The Crucial Role of Play in Child Development

Play is not merely a break from learning; it is an essential component of it. Children, with their boundless energy and curiosity, are intrinsically designed to learn through play. This approach to learning helps them with social-emotional development, problem-solving skills, and much more.

Nurturing Empathy in Children: The Foundation of Emotional Intelligence

Nurturing Empathy in Children: The Foundation of Emotional Intelligence

In an age marked by rapid digital interaction, the ability to engage emotionally and understand others' perspectives is becoming increasingly important. For parents and caregivers, equipping youngsters with tools to express and interpret emotions constructively is pivotal to their future success and happiness.

How to Nurture Your Child’s Passion for Social Change

How to Nurture Your Child’s Passion for Social Change

There are some practical ways to help your child discover their passion for change and channel their energy and enthusiasm in a positive direction. Whether it's through volunteering, fundraising, advocacy, or simply being kind to others, you can make service and kindness a cornerstone of your family's values and build a better world together.

Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary!

Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary!

Kindness is a powerful force that makes a lasting impact on individuals and communities alike. For the past two decades, Doing Good Together has been dedicated to promoting a culture of kindness and empathy throughout the United States. As we enter our 20th year of service, we are thrilled to share with you some exciting opportunities to join us in our mission of spreading kindness. 

Renewing Kindness This September

Renewing Kindness This September

September is a month of renewal and fresh starts as children return to the classroom. It is an opportune time to spread kindness and kindle new friendships. A simple act of kindness can make a big difference in a child's day and can set the tone for the entire school year. 

Back to School Kindness is Around the Corner

Back to School Kindness is Around the Corner

As the summer comes to a close and children prepare to go back to school, it's a great time to focus on spreading kindness. One way to do this is to have your child make a list of kind acts that they can do for their classmates, such as offering to carry someone's backpack or helping someone who is having trouble with a math problem.

Spread Kindness by Caring for Animals

Spread Kindness by Caring for Animals

Pets offer us companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love. They provide us with an outlet for our affection and can help to reduce our stress and anxiety. In return, they rely on us for their food, shelter, and care. 

One way to show our pets how much they are appreciated is to spend time with them. Walks, play, and time spent together lets them know that they are valued members of the family. In addition to providing our pets with the love and attention they deserve, spending time with them can also have a positive impact on our own well-being. 

Spreading Kindness Through the Summer

Spreading Kindness Through the Summer

Summertime is a cherished season for kids and adults alike. For children, it is a time of less structure and more play. For adults, it is an opportunity to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. And for everyone, it is a chance to spread a little extra kindness. Whether you are picking up litter in your neighborhood or smiling at a stranger, small acts of kindness can make a big difference. So, this summer, take some time to enjoy the sunny days and show the world a little bit of love and happiness.

Get Outside & Off of Screens!

Get Outside & Off of Screens!

Next time your child is begging to stay inside, take a moment to consider the benefits of spending some time in the great outdoors. It might just do them some good. Here are some ideas to get your family outside and immersed in nature this spring.

Spring into Action!

Spring into Action!

Spring is a time of new beginnings.The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, and the world is starting to bloom. It's a time to come out of hibernation and embrace all that life has to offer. It's also a time to spread kindness. Kindness has so many benefits; it increases happiness and energy, and it even provides a brain benefit to those who spread kindness around. There's nothing like a smile or a kind word to make someone's day, and you never know when you might need a little bit of extra kindness yourself. So go ahead, spring into action, and spread some kindness around. The world will be a better place for it.

Music Brings Joy and Kindness to the World

Music Brings Joy and Kindness to the World

In a world that often seems divided and angry, music reminds us that we are all connected by our humanity. By sharing the gift of music with children, we give them the priceless gift of hope and happiness.

A Year in Review

A Year in Review

As we say goodbye to 2022 and embark on a new year, it’s important to remember the things that are most important in life: our family, health, and our community. One small way we can make a big impact is to commit to spreading kindness each and every day. This month, I want to spotlight DGT’s best creations of 2022 in case you missed them, want to revisit them, or want to share them with others. (Yes, please do so!) Be sure to subscribe to our blog, newsletter, and/or volunteer listings so you can easily find all the good we create in 2023!

Celebrate Family This Holiday Season

Celebrate Family This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time to come together and celebrate the things that matter most. Family, friends, and loved ones can all play a role in making this time of year special. However, the holiday season can also be a time of stress and anxiety. With so much to do and so little time, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle. This year, take a step back and focus on what’s truly important. Embrace kindness and show others gratitude. Give yourself and those around you the gift of your time and attention. These small acts of kindness will help alleviate your stress and will also go a long way in making this holiday season one to remember.

Weave Gratitude Into Your Life

Weave Gratitude Into Your Life

As the leaves begin to fall and the days grow shorter, it can be easy to forget all the things for which we are grateful. However, studies have shown that practicing gratitude can improve our mental and physical health. This November, let's take some time to focus on all the good in our lives. Gratitude is the act of being thankful for the good things in your life. When you focus on the good, you’ll find that your life is filled with more wonder and abundance than you ever realized. Practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to cultivate happiness and make the most of every day.

The Power of Kindness to Counteract Bullying

It's no secret that bullying is a problem in schools. All too often children are teased, excluded, or made to feel inferior because of their appearance, intelligence, or interests. But there is hope. Kindness has the power to change the culture of a school and create an environment where everyone is respected and valued.

Boost Academics, Mental Health, and Connection Through Volunteering

Focusing on academics and achievement gaps are priorities that must be front and center. That is why it is imperative to remind ourselves that academics work best when coupled with volunteering. Research shows that volunteering boosts academic achievement. Volunteers tend to perform better in school and have stronger social skills. Additionally, giving back feels good and helps boost mental health by promoting connection with others. Volunteering is simply a win-win-win.

Embracing the Last Days of Summer

As you are creating your bucket list of things to do before summer is over, why not embrace the last days of summer by spreading kindness? While an instance of kindness can be powerful and even make you feel good, the real benefit of kindness comes from repeating acts of kindness over and again. Let’s help our children embrace the last days of summer with kind acts of service.

The Power of Listening with Your Heart

True listening is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. While we believe we are good at listening, research tells us that we really only listen at about 25% efficacy. Other studies suggest that we are forgetful and distracted when listening 75% of the time. Great listening is something that is trained, honed and practiced. We can practice taking the time to stop, give someone our full attention, let them speak without interruption, ask follow-up questions, and refrain from judgment.