service — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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Boost Academics, Mental Health, and Connection Through Volunteering

Focusing on academics and achievement gaps are priorities that must be front and center. That is why it is imperative to remind ourselves that academics work best when coupled with volunteering. Research shows that volunteering boosts academic achievement. Volunteers tend to perform better in school and have stronger social skills. Additionally, giving back feels good and helps boost mental health by promoting connection with others. Volunteering is simply a win-win-win.

Beyond "Please" and "Thank You"

Beyond "Please" and "Thank You"

Of course good manners matter.  However, kindness goes much deeper – and is ultimately more significant – than things like writing thank-you notes or keeping elbows off the table.

Coming Together for Good

Coming Together for Good

Making service a group endeavor not only means more fun, but it "puts kindness on the calendar" so doing good is more likely to become part of your routine. No need to start big. Make your first community effort bite-sized, and see how it goes. Then, if it works for everyone, plan to spend more regular time with family, friends and neighbors serving others. Here are a few ideas for getting started.




A Charity to Call Your Own

Consider marking the new school year by choosing one local charity to "adopt" for the year. It could be a homeless shelter, an environmental organization, a care facility, an arts group or an early-childhood program. By next summer your whole family will have become conversant on the issues, had fun together, met some wonderful people and made your community better.