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Making a Difference for Refugees

It's not always easy to talk to children about challenging situations in the news. It should be done in a way that is honest -- but also makes children feel protected and empowered. Here are some tips.


A Charity to Call Your Own

Consider marking the new school year by choosing one local charity to "adopt" for the year. It could be a homeless shelter, an environmental organization, a care facility, an arts group or an early-childhood program. By next summer your whole family will have become conversant on the issues, had fun together, met some wonderful people and made your community better.


Generosity: The Missing Piece of Money Literacy

Plenty of experts have written about raising financially literate children, but surprisingly few mention the important role of generosity and sharing. Fortunately, no matter what your family income, it's easy to establish fun, meaningful family habits that teach children about giving.


Create a Family Giving Circle

Giving Circles make for fun and effective philanthropy, whether you have $5 or $500 to give. The idea is that individuals pool funds, then decide as a group where to donate. By creating a Family Giving Circle, you can use this same concept to teach your children about charitable giving. They'll love having a big say in donation decisions and will learn firsthand about this crucial way of sharing.