volunteering — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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The Science of Kindness: Raising Kind Kids

The Science of Kindness: Raising Kind Kids

As we understand more about the science of kindness, we learn that small acts can have profound effects on both individuals and communities. By integrating acts of kindness into daily routines, encouraging meaningful conversations, and exposing children to inspiring stories, parents can nurture empathy and compassion in their children and reap the benefits of kindness science! 

Music Brings Joy and Kindness to the World

Music Brings Joy and Kindness to the World

In a world that often seems divided and angry, music reminds us that we are all connected by our humanity. By sharing the gift of music with children, we give them the priceless gift of hope and happiness.

A Year in Review

A Year in Review

As we say goodbye to 2022 and embark on a new year, it’s important to remember the things that are most important in life: our family, health, and our community. One small way we can make a big impact is to commit to spreading kindness each and every day. This month, I want to spotlight DGT’s best creations of 2022 in case you missed them, want to revisit them, or want to share them with others. (Yes, please do so!) Be sure to subscribe to our blog, newsletter, and/or volunteer listings so you can easily find all the good we create in 2023!

Boost Academics, Mental Health, and Connection Through Volunteering

Focusing on academics and achievement gaps are priorities that must be front and center. That is why it is imperative to remind ourselves that academics work best when coupled with volunteering. Research shows that volunteering boosts academic achievement. Volunteers tend to perform better in school and have stronger social skills. Additionally, giving back feels good and helps boost mental health by promoting connection with others. Volunteering is simply a win-win-win.

Practicing Kindness: An Age-by-Age Guide

This month we want to share kindness skills by age – which skills are best practiced when. As COVID-19 constraints continue to linger, it’s worth remembering that spending time doing good for others has been found to lower stress, anxiety, and depression. Enjoy these simple – and fun! – ideas.

Coming Together for Good

Coming Together for Good

Making service a group endeavor not only means more fun, but it "puts kindness on the calendar" so doing good is more likely to become part of your routine. No need to start big. Make your first community effort bite-sized, and see how it goes. Then, if it works for everyone, plan to spend more regular time with family, friends and neighbors serving others. Here are a few ideas for getting started.




Making a Difference for Refugees

It's not always easy to talk to children about challenging situations in the news. It should be done in a way that is honest -- but also makes children feel protected and empowered. Here are some tips.