Boost Academics, Mental Health, and Connection Through Volunteering — Doing Good Together™

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Boost Academics, Mental Health, and Connection Through Volunteering

Boost Academics, Mental Health, and Connection Through Volunteering

As summer winds down and children return to school, we are hearing and reading more about the academic setbacks due to sustained pandemic learning disruptions. The data shows that inequalities were exacerbated and academic progress slowed for children, despite the heroic efforts of parents and teachers who performed miraculously under stressful and challenging circumstances. Focusing on academics and achievement gaps are priorities that must be front and center. That is why it is imperative to remind ourselves that academics work best when coupled with volunteering. Research shows that volunteering boosts academic achievement. Volunteers tend to perform better in school and have stronger social skills. Additionally, giving back feels good and helps boost mental health by promoting connection with others. Volunteering is simply a win-win-win. So as we dive back into the school year, let’s prioritize the very practical benefits of volunteering and giving back to help our children feel good, promote learning and create connections.

With gratitude,

– MiaLisa Millares, Executive Director


Volunteer with Animals

Spending time with our animals reduces stress and may even provide a boost to our immunity. Create some pet toys or bake dog biscuits for your animal friends, or take them to a shelter to share. Some shelters even have programs where kids can practice reading to the animals while simultaneously building a friendship! 

Helping the Hungry

Take the time to go to the grocery store with your children and talk about good nutrition and the consequences of not getting enough healthy foods. Create a scavenger hunt for foods needed by your local food shelf. Learn more about food insecurity and how to help through this curriculum.

Build Connections with Seniors

Take your children to the nursing home for a chance to connect with elders. Looking for a fun project to do together while you are there? Check out these fun Kindness Fortune Tellers, which will bring a smile to everyone’s face! 

Volunteer Listings

Are you looking for opportunities in your area to volunteer with your kids? Check out our free volunteer listings. Simply subscribe to the list and receive a free monthly email that details a number of different opportunities in your community to give back as a family. 


After volunteering, take the time to reflect on the experience. Sometimes the reflection solidifies the importance of the opportunity for children. Here are some questions to guide your discussion with your children.

  • Why do you think people volunteer?

  • What motivated you to volunteer?

  • What can you gain from volunteering?

  • Do you feel like you made a difference?

  • What was the best part?

  • What does it feel like to help someone?

  • What does it feel like to receive help?

  • How would you like to help again?


Doing Good Together: 101 Easy, Meaningful Service Projects for Families, Schools, and Communities

Are you looking for great ways to give back to the community? This book, co-authored by our founder, Jenny Friedman, provides simple activities for families looking to engage in service.


“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”

–– Martin Luther King, Jr.