compassion — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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Doing Good Together: Our Best of 2020

Doing Good Together: Our Best of 2020

Despite some badly needed hope and light on the horizon, the country still faces myriad challenges. For this reason, our work continues to be critical, since we know (more clearly than ever) that it’s compassion, justice, and community that bring us together — and bring about change. We hope you picked up lots of fun, engaging opportunities for kindness and giving this past year. In case you missed them, we list some favorite resources below.

SHOP KIND! Top Gifts That Promote Kindness

SHOP KIND! Top Gifts That Promote Kindness

Any parent would agree: The top lessons we can teach our kids include generosity, kindness and sharing. Now we have another way for you to share the joy of kindness with your children -- a collection of products that make "giving back" fun

You'll find ideas below and on our newly launched Shop Kind page.

How To Move Beyond Gratitude

Feeling gratitude is great medicine. It can inspire optimism, improve health and increase happiness. But according to Adam Grant, author of Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success, feelings of gratitude are often fleeting. What's more powerful is actually taking time to help others out. "Gratitude is a temporary emotion," says Grant, "but giving is a lasting value." Here are some ways to move from gratitude to giving this Thanksgiving. Because when we think of ourselves as givers, we are inspired to do more.

Build Empathy and More with Play

Play is a critical way to acquire knowledge, build imagination, enhance mental and physical health, and practice social skills. Just as important, research indicates that play can help children develop empathy and compassion.


The Benefits of Being Curious

Studies suggest that curious personalities are associated with humor, playfulness, life satisfaction, good relationships and open-mindedness. Not surprisingly, curiosity also encourages life-long learning. (Some studies even indicate that curiosity, along with hard work, might be as important as intelligence to academic performance.) Another reason to encourage curiosity is that it's deeply intertwined with kindness and empathy. Here are ways to nurture curiosity in your children while teaching them compassion at the same time.

Beyond "Please" and "Thank You"

Beyond "Please" and "Thank You"

Of course good manners matter.  However, kindness goes much deeper – and is ultimately more significant – than things like writing thank-you notes or keeping elbows off the table.

Girl Power - Nurture an Undaunted Daughter

Girl Power - Nurture an Undaunted Daughter

Young girls are bombarded with media that undermines self-image and self-confidence. How do we balance raising an independent and assertive girl with one who is empathetic and kind? Here are my favorite tips for empowering your daughter to become a compassionate change maker.

Raising "Upstanding" Children

Raising "Upstanding" Children

It can be difficult to take action in support of our values and beliefs, especially when it involves some personal risk. If you would like your children to be among those admirable people with the courage to be "upstanding", rather than bystanding, here are some strategies to help them along.  



Using Technology to Boost Kindness

Spending time on "screens" is inevitable in modern life, but parents can help turn that time into a healthy pursuit. This month we offer ideas for using technology to enhance, rather than diminish, the growth of kindness.



Nurturing Compassion in Boys

Nurturing Compassion in Boys

Although all gender stereotypes are becoming less rigid, girls are given more flexibility than boys. The typically "feminine" traits of compassion and kindness are critical to the healthy development ofall our children. Here are ways to assure that your boys receive those essential lessons in empathy as they grow toward being caring, compassionate, charitable men.