resilience — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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Give Thanks by Giving Back

Give Thanks by Giving Back

One way to simultaneously show gratitude and address anxiety, depression, and lack of control is by doing something positive. This Thanksgiving season let’s challenge one another to give thanks by giving back. Together, we can spread kindness, compassion, and generosity to make a difference in the world.

Fun, Summer-Friendly Ways to Build Resilience in Your Kids

Even in less-trying times, most parents try to keep their kids from experiencing stress, setbacks, and struggles. These days, with all the anxiety and uncertainty surrounding COVID, that's nearly impossible. But we can provide our kids with the emotional armor and grit-enhancing tools to help them bounce back from hard times - and even "bounce forward" as a stronger person. Here are some ideas for instilling resilience in your child, and having fun doing it.

The Power of Nature in These Days of Isolation

We know from research that even in the best of times, spending time in nature can decrease stress, sharpen attention, improve physical health (reducing blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension), decrease pain and increase immune function. During these stay-at-home days, nature can offer constancy, bring solace and inspire wonder and awe.

We Can Solve It (and Other Good News to Share with Kids)

If we believe that the challenges we face can be overcome (remembering how many have been overcome in the past), we are motivated to work harder. So even as we discuss the world's difficulties with our children, let's make an effort to share news of our progress, too. It will inspire kids to fight to make a difference for the planet and its people.

Treat Someone Else This Halloween

 Halloween can conjure the same spirit of giving as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Below are six fabulous projects that let your family give back this Halloween. Any one of them can become a new family tradition that puts more meaning – and more funinto your festivities. Plus, your feeling of satisfaction will remain long after your stash of candy corn is gone.

5 Simple Ways to Raise an Entitlement-Free Child

Many parents feel compelled to provide their kids with "ideal" childhoods. They try to create a world in which children are constantly entertained, rescued from unpleasant situations, and handed whatever they want in order to assure their continual happiness.

But children who grow up getting their every desire miss out on the joy of giving, the sense of accomplishment that comes with effort, and the resilience that develops when we are forced to bounce back from disappointments.

This roundup of tips will not only challenge entitlement and nurture compassion, but ultimately also will make our children happier and more successful – and in turn make the world a better place.

Embracing Failure

Embracing Failure

Kindness and courage are common topics in this newsletter, but failure deserves attention, too. I agree with researchers that accepting failure can lead to growth. And when parents view failure as an opportunity to be embraced rather than something to be avoided, kids will be more willing to take on new challenges and will develop the strength to cope. Here are strategies for helping you and your kids meet any disappointments that come your way.

Girl Power - Nurture an Undaunted Daughter

Girl Power - Nurture an Undaunted Daughter

Young girls are bombarded with media that undermines self-image and self-confidence. How do we balance raising an independent and assertive girl with one who is empathetic and kind? Here are my favorite tips for empowering your daughter to become a compassionate change maker.