disappointment — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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Give Thanks by Giving Back

Give Thanks by Giving Back

One way to simultaneously show gratitude and address anxiety, depression, and lack of control is by doing something positive. This Thanksgiving season let’s challenge one another to give thanks by giving back. Together, we can spread kindness, compassion, and generosity to make a difference in the world.

Beyond "I'm Sorry": Teaching Children to Apologize and to Forgive

Children as young as four feel better when they receive a sincere apology from a playmate after being hurt. The key word: sincere. Coercing children into offering apologies fails to comfort the victim -- and the wrongdoer learns little more than how to feign remorse. Here are a few tips for getting beyond the begrudging "I'm sorry." This approach can cultivate empathy, help children learn to manage emotions, and improve behavior.

Embracing Failure

Embracing Failure

Kindness and courage are common topics in this newsletter, but failure deserves attention, too. I agree with researchers that accepting failure can lead to growth. And when parents view failure as an opportunity to be embraced rather than something to be avoided, kids will be more willing to take on new challenges and will develop the strength to cope. Here are strategies for helping you and your kids meet any disappointments that come your way.