rules — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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Growing Up Digital

Managing screen time is challenging because electronic media can be so alluring -- and even habit forming. We recommend creating a family media plan to help the adults and kids in the house develop a healthy digital diet. Meanwhile, you'll be providing opportunities for critically important (and continuing) conversations with your children about how to handle a technological onslaught that will only grow.

For Kinder Kids, Mind the Manners

For Kinder Kids, Mind the Manners

Emily Post, the queen of etiquette, famously said: "Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use." At their core, manners are simply about caring for others. Teaching good manners requires patience, persistence and practice, but it's worth the effort.


6 Tips for Raising Kids Who Don't Cheat

6 Tips for Raising Kids Who Don't Cheat

According to researchers, the number of students who cheat at school has risen dramatically in the last 50 years. One survey found that an astounding 95% of high school students admitted to some kind of cheating. Here are tips to help keep your children focused on integrity and combat the pressure to achieve at any cost.



The Surprising Power of Chores

Surprising research says that doing chores, beginning at age 3 or 4, is actually a proven predictor of adult success. It teaches responsibility, competence, perseverance, the value of hard work -- and the idea that in a family we help one another out.