cheating — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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How to Raise a Good Sport

Sports give kids opportunities to cope with failure and success, work hard toward a goal, cooperate with others, learn fairness – and get away from screens for a while. It can be tough for kids to control the strong emotions that come with competition … but with a little early coaching from you, your child can be prepared to show respect for teammates and coaches, grace in winning and losing, and an understanding of what success in sports really means.

6 Tips for Raising Kids Who Don't Cheat

6 Tips for Raising Kids Who Don't Cheat

According to researchers, the number of students who cheat at school has risen dramatically in the last 50 years. One survey found that an astounding 95% of high school students admitted to some kind of cheating. Here are tips to help keep your children focused on integrity and combat the pressure to achieve at any cost.