peace — DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

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Mindfulness as an Antidote to Holiday Stress

Mindfulness as an Antidote to Holiday Stress

With so much to do and so little time, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle. This year, take a step back and focus on what’s truly important. Embrace kindness and show others gratitude. Give yourself and those around you the gift of your time and attention.

How to Talk to Your Child about Climate Change

With each dire news story about the planet's future, that topic may seem too scary or complicated to discuss. Still, most parents think it's important  to inform their children about this critical issue. Even if want to shield them, we're aware they're likely to hear about it from other (possibly less reliable) sources. So how do we help kids understand the science – and become empowered to make a difference – while making sure they feel safe and secure? Below are five action steps to get you started.

How Practicing Kindness Can Help Your Anxious Child

How Practicing Kindness Can Help Your Anxious Child

Studies show that volunteering leads to greater life satisfaction; performing acts of kindness makes people happier and more socially comfortable; and helping others boosts daily well-being. If your child tends to be anxious, you can't make it magically go away, but you can offer tools to manage their discomfort, and strategies to help them cope.