Valentine's Day has long been associated with grand gestures and expensive gifts. However, as the holiday becomes increasingly commercialized, people are seeking ways to make it more meaningful and impactful for their kids. By shifting the focus from materialism to acts of kindness and generosity, Valentine's Day can transform into an opportunity to give back to communities and spread love in its purest form. Whether it's volunteering, supporting local charities, or simply reaching out to those in need, this approach fosters a spirit of connection and compassion that goes far beyond traditional celebrations.
Cultivating Gratitude This Season
The holiday season is a time of joy, gifts, and celebration. However, amidst the glittering lights and endless wish lists, it's easy for children to slip into a mindset of entitlement. While there's nothing wrong with a bit of holiday indulgence, this season offers a beautiful opportunity to teach your kids the values of giving back, gratitude, and meaningful connection.
5 Heartwarming Ways for Families to Give Back this Halloween
Halloween is traditionally a time for fun, costumes, and candy, but it can also be a wonderful opportunity to teach kids about kindness and generosity. This year, why not incorporate a few giving-back activities into your Halloween celebrations? Check out these ideas to transform Halloween into an opportunity for giving back with your kids.
Mindfulness as an Antidote to Holiday Stress
Give Thanks by Giving Back
One way to simultaneously show gratitude and address anxiety, depression, and lack of control is by doing something positive. This Thanksgiving season let’s challenge one another to give thanks by giving back. Together, we can spread kindness, compassion, and generosity to make a difference in the world.
Every Day Can Be Earth Day
Celebrate Family This Holiday Season
The holiday season is a time to come together and celebrate the things that matter most. Family, friends, and loved ones can all play a role in making this time of year special. However, the holiday season can also be a time of stress and anxiety. With so much to do and so little time, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle. This year, take a step back and focus on what’s truly important. Embrace kindness and show others gratitude. Give yourself and those around you the gift of your time and attention. These small acts of kindness will help alleviate your stress and will also go a long way in making this holiday season one to remember.
Weave Gratitude Into Your Life
As the leaves begin to fall and the days grow shorter, it can be easy to forget all the things for which we are grateful. However, studies have shown that practicing gratitude can improve our mental and physical health. This November, let's take some time to focus on all the good in our lives. Gratitude is the act of being thankful for the good things in your life. When you focus on the good, you’ll find that your life is filled with more wonder and abundance than you ever realized. Practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to cultivate happiness and make the most of every day.
Raising Helpful, Responsible Kids Begins with Chores
Research shows that one of the best ways to help children become successful is to engage them regularly in chores from an early age. Chores are important because they teach children basic skills, provide a sense of responsibility, instill values of hard work and promote the common good! They also can be really helpful for the family unit!
Sharing Love for the Common Good
The “common good” has been around since the time of Greek philosophers – the idea that if we all cooperate and work together, we can make the world a better place. And that is what you do so passionately with your children. You come together as a family and with friends, to make a difference in the world.
DGT 2021 Best Picks
We have such gratitude for our big-hearted community of families and partners that have supported us this past year. You are all inspirational in the ways you take what we create and find energy, space, and time to prioritize your values in teaching your children. This month, I want to spotlight DGT’s best creations of 2021.
Spread Kindness This Holiday Season
The last couple of years have overstretched our patience, creativity, and emotions. That means it is more important than ever to connect with others, spark kindness in one another, spread joy, love your neighbors, and remember compassion. Here are some ideas to bring kindness into your home this holiday season.
Gratitude in Transitions
The Joy – and Challenge – of Gift-Giving
Giving gifts can be a joyful thing. We get to imagine what others might enjoy receiving. For kids, giving gifts is important for teaching generosity and empathy. But how do you offer children the undeniable pleasure of giving without encouraging consumerism? What gifts can you, in turn, give them that model these values? We offer some guidance for striking a gift-giving balance.
Take Valentine's Day To Heart
SHOP KIND! Top Gifts That Promote Kindness
Any parent would agree: The top lessons we can teach our kids include generosity, kindness and sharing. Now we have another way for you to share the joy of kindness with your children -- a collection of products that make "giving back" fun.
You'll find ideas below and on our newly launched Shop Kind page.