DGT Newsletter — Doing Good Together™

LIMITED OFFER: 30% off 12 kindness lesson plans with KIND30 promo code.

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sharing kindness

Embracing the Last Days of Summer

As you are creating your bucket list of things to do before summer is over, why not embrace the last days of summer by spreading kindness? While an instance of kindness can be powerful and even make you feel good, the real benefit of kindness comes from repeating acts of kindness over and again. Let’s help our children embrace the last days of summer with kind acts of service.

Double Up on Health Benefits by Giving Back Outside

There are so many ways to intertwine your love for the outdoors with giving back to the community. And, since Earth Day is right around the corner, you can double up the benefits of giving back and being in the outdoors. So get outside, and enjoy spring while helping your neighbors and the planet.

Challenging Conversations in Difficult Times

The news is filled with stories of families fleeing Ukraine, and your children may be asking challenging questions about these heartbreaking situations. As a parent, I want to protect my children from great sadness and information they may not be ready for, but I also want them to learn empathy, kindness, generosity, and compassion for those in need.. Children who learn they can make a difference become adults who change the world for the better.

Sharing Love for the Common Good

The “common good” has been around since the time of Greek philosophers – the idea that if we all cooperate and work together, we can make the world a better place. And that is what you do so passionately with your children. You come together as a family and with friends, to make a difference in the world.

DGT 2021 Best Picks

We have such gratitude for our big-hearted community of families and partners that have supported us this past year. You are all inspirational in the ways you take what we create and find energy, space, and time to prioritize your values in teaching your children. This month, I want to spotlight DGT’s best creations of 2021.

Spread Kindness This Holiday Season

The last couple of years have overstretched our patience, creativity, and emotions. That means it is more important than ever to connect with others, spark kindness in one another, spread joy, love your neighbors, and remember compassion. Here are some ideas to bring kindness into your home this holiday season.

Celebrate Summer with Guerilla Kindness!

Celebrate this almost-back-to-normal summer by savoring our togetherness and bringing a little joy to others. Choose one of the simple projects below to have some creative fun, while contributing to a community culture of encouragement and compassion. You never know how far these simple ripples of kindness will travel.

Practicing Kindness: An Age-by-Age Guide

This month we want to share kindness skills by age – which skills are best practiced when. As COVID-19 constraints continue to linger, it’s worth remembering that spending time doing good for others has been found to lower stress, anxiety, and depression. Enjoy these simple – and fun! – ideas.

Take Your Child on a Kindness Date!

Here's a way to prioritize meaningful time with your child---   and also convey how much you value living generously. Take your child on a kindness date! Surprise them with an idea that matches their interests and passions, or have them pick an outing from the ideas below.

How (and Why) to Make Caring a Habit This Year

Many families have told us they want to put more focus – intentional focus – on kindness, serving, and justice in 2020. You know by now that a child raised to be kind does better in school and in life. But how do you find time for ONE MORE THING in your already-too-busy life? And once you've started, how do you keep the caring habit alive?

How to Talk to Your Child about Climate Change

With each dire news story about the planet's future, that topic may seem too scary or complicated to discuss. Still, most parents think it's important  to inform their children about this critical issue. Even if want to shield them, we're aware they're likely to hear about it from other (possibly less reliable) sources. So how do we help kids understand the science – and become empowered to make a difference – while making sure they feel safe and secure? Below are five action steps to get you started.

How Practicing Kindness Can Help Your Anxious Child

How Practicing Kindness Can Help Your Anxious Child

Studies show that volunteering leads to greater life satisfaction; performing acts of kindness makes people happier and more socially comfortable; and helping others boosts daily well-being. If your child tends to be anxious, you can't make it magically go away, but you can offer tools to manage their discomfort, and strategies to help them cope.

SHOP KIND! Top Gifts That Promote Kindness

SHOP KIND! Top Gifts That Promote Kindness

Any parent would agree: The top lessons we can teach our kids include generosity, kindness and sharing. Now we have another way for you to share the joy of kindness with your children -- a collection of products that make "giving back" fun

You'll find ideas below and on our newly launched Shop Kind page.

How to Guard Against Raising a "Rescuer"

We don't want our children to start seeing the world as divided into "givers" and "receivers." To avoid this, remind your children that everyone needs help at times, that all of us have something to offer others – and that the world is simply a better place when we help one another out. These tips can help you raise kind, giving children while avoiding the sense of "rescuing" that can be an unintended consequence of serving others.

Beyond "Please" and "Thank You"

Beyond "Please" and "Thank You"

Of course good manners matter.  However, kindness goes much deeper – and is ultimately more significant – than things like writing thank-you notes or keeping elbows off the table.

Make It Fun for Kids to Give Back

Make It Fun for Kids to Give Back

Summer is for family and fun, but that doesn't mean that kindness and service need to take a holiday. These lazy days provide all sorts of opportunities to keep exercising that kindness muscle and remind little ones that there is great joy in giving. These eight activities will help you create a memorable, heart-filled summer.


6 Ways Practicing Kindness is GREAT for Your Child

Studies increasingly suggest that if you want your child to be successful (whether defined as happiness, academic achievement, good health, or social connections), practicing kindness and doing for others should be high on your family's to-do list. Read on to see why.


Using Technology to Boost Kindness

Spending time on "screens" is inevitable in modern life, but parents can help turn that time into a healthy pursuit. This month we offer ideas for using technology to enhance, rather than diminish, the growth of kindness.